Chapter 29

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Sebastian POV

He fell asleep after ready my journal and forgiving me which was very good. I didn't want to move so I didn't disturb him, he needed rest and he hasn't been doing so. Don't get me wrong, it was good he felt well enough to move around and such but in order for him to get better sooner. He was still struggling to breath steadily but not as bad as the first day. I hugged him tighter and closed my eyes "Seba-...." he said taking a breath "Stian...." he finished exhaling. I smiled slightly and placed a hand on the back of his head and wrapped my arm around his waist. He smiled in his sleep and pressed himself closer to me as I smiled.

I woke up awhile later to see Ciel sitting on my chest and reading my journal, I didn't mind. He deserved to since I had read his entire journal "Good morning Love~" he said putting his hand in Ciel's hair. Ciel's blush got brighter and he smiled as I smiled back. I then sat up and he pouted and put his hands on my chest "No~~ Lay back down~" he said. I chuckled and kissed his forehead "I can't, I need to go make you something to eat~" I said. He groaned and pushed me back down then moved onto my chest. "Stay~" he said and I smirked then put my hands behind my head as I saw a smirk threaten to spread across his face. "What are you doing now?" I asked and the smirk finally showed "Nothing~" he said. I had just noticed that my coat had started slipping off his shoulders, I smirked and moved it down farther as I saw his blush get darker and him fumble with the buttons of his shirt. I chuckled and he looked at me "I'm going to go make your food now." I said and stood up as he scoffed and laid back down. I went to the kitchen and started making him some French toast when I heard a crash and him scream in pain come from his quarters. I stopped what I was doing and quickly ran back.

Ciel POV

I was laying in bed when I heard glass break then screamed. A man jumped through and held me down. "No! Let me go!" I yelled and struggled, he was too strong. He looked familiar, the man that always terrified me. I opened my mouth to scream again when he put his hand over it. "MMMPHH!" I tried screaming. I kicked and struggled but he still managed to hold me down, he then pulled out a knife. My eyes widened "MMMMPH!!" I yelled again. He then moved it down to my throat and tears rolled down my face. I saw the man smirk, that devious smirk that always terrified me. He then looked up at the door for a moment then turned back to me and looked angry. He then raised the knife and plunged it into my eye "MMMMMPPPPHHHH!!!!" I yelled and tears streamed down my face. It stung with every tear but I couldn't hold back. I finally felt his hand get off my mouth and heard more glass break from the window. I started crying harder as I sat up and held the right side of my face over my eye.

Sebastian POV

When I ran into his room Ciel was holding his right eye and I saw blood dripping from it and onto the floor. "Ciel!" I said and ran to him, he was crying and I could tell it was making the pain worse not matter what happened. "What happened?" I asked. "S-S-Someone... I can't see...." he said taking his hand away revealing the damage. "Oh Satan.... Ciel...." I said moving my hands closer to his face, he pulled away fast "N-No! Get away! Get away!" he screamed and pushed on my chest to try and get me away. I backed up knowing that he was experiencing shock and that he needed to calm down. "Ciel, calm down~ It's me Sebastian~" I said, he was panting. "No! No! Stop lying! You're the man who hurt me! Sebastian! Sebastian! Help!" he started yelling. I grabbed his hands and he kept crying as he struggled. I pulled him into a tight hug "Ciel, Shh~ Shh~" I said stroking his head.

"S-Sebastian....? I-Is it you?" he asked hesitantly hugging back. "Yes it is, it's me Sebastian." I said rubbing his back. He started crying harder "S-S-Someone.... came and..... and..... stabbed my eye!" he yelled through sobs. He hugged me tighter and the blood from his eye stained my shirt, that didn't matter. All that mattered now was fixing his eye and calming him down. "Ciel~ Calm down~ I can heal it~" I said. "R-Really?" he said sniffling, I nodded and held his hands gently "I can't fully heal it but... I can make it hurt less." I said. He nodded and squeezed my hands, he knew how I had to heal him. "Ready? Tell me to stop if you want me to." I said and he nodded then gripped my hands tighter. I leaned closer and started licking around his eye.

He made little sounds here or there, either from pain or embarrassment. It finally started healing and he squeezed my hands tighter. I licked up the blood and around the wound then I pulled away and he looked at me "Is it better?" he asked. I shook my head "No, I wanted to make sure you were ready." I said and he nodded "I am.... just please do it." he said and looked at me. I nodded and started to lick the actual cut. He flinched and whimpered but never told me to stop. When I stopped and pulled away he looked at me and nodded "It hurts less?" I asked and he nodded again "Yes it does...." he said. I pulled him into a hug and he hugged back then sniffled "Why would someone do this?" he asked with a shaky voice. I hugged him tighter and rubbed his back "I don't know, I wish we knew who it was..." I said. He didn't say anything but just nodded "Let's get you bandaged up." I said and he nodded again.

I got the bandages and peroxide then walked back and started cleaning Ciel's eye. He whimpered and flinched but I finally got it done. I then wrapped the bandages around his head and his eye. When I finally finished he looked so frail and young. Like the first time I meant him, when I made the contract. Oh Satan.... that was horrible, he was so young and broken.... He still is broken but I hope I've helped him heal at least a bit. After he leaned forward and hugged me and I hugged back.

"Sebastian...." he said his voice shaky again. "Yes?" I asked pulling away to look at him in the eye "I think...... I know..... Who did it...." he said looking down. "What? Who?" I asked grabbing his arms lightly ".....Claude...." he said looking at me. I felt anger flow through me, all other emotions disappeared except for anger.

"That bastard!" I said through gritted teeth. "He did it for that brat!" I said standing up and looking at the window. "Sebastian, what if he comes back?" Ciel asked looking at me worriedly. I didn't say anything but picked him up and held him tightly and protectively, I then started walking to my quarters as he stayed silent. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I held him tighter as he looked up at me and I looked back at him. "He comes back, he dies. There's no debating it. Dies. No matter what it takes." I said.

Ciel POV

Sebastian was being protective.... He usually is don't get me wrong but this is really protective.... I like it. I've never felt so protected before, and by someone who is just... perfect in everyway. He carried me to his quarters and set me on the bed as he closed the door and locked it behind him. "S-Sebastian?" I said as he walked over and leaned over me. "Shh~ Just relax~" he said and climbed over me as I fell back on the bed "S-Sebastian..." I said and felt my face get hotter. He was now hovering over me and I was staring up at him with my one good eye. "Shh~ Relax~ Just trust me~" he said and I swallowed "O-Ok...." I said and relaxed like he said. He then started sucking and biting on my shoulder, moans escaped my lips and I gripped his shoulders. He pulled away a moment later and my shoulder hurt more than it usually does. "W-What did you do?" I asked trying to see my shoulder, all I saw was a faint glow. "I simply did something that I'll explain in the morning." he said and I tilted my head curiously "Bu-" he placed a finger on my lips "Shh~ I'll explain in the morning~ Now get some rest~ I'll be right here~" he said and placed a kiss on my forehead.

I did as he said so and laid down and he laid next to me. I was facing towards him and had my arms wrapped around him tightly as he did the same and held me close. I still felt unsafe even though I was with Sebastian, Claude terrified me. He always stared at me whenever I was near him, and now he tried to kill me? Anymore of this and I'm going to have nightmares. Sebastian started stroking the back of my head and held me with his other arm as I slowly started falling asleep. "I'll protect you~ It's ok to fall asleep~" he said and I took a deep breath. I fell asleep soon after and was meant but just black.

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