New Beggings

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A month and a half later...

Jack's POV

I can't believe what happened last month...

We were all still pretty mortified from what happened..

Me, Jamie, and Kate stayed in touch..

Violet and Dash...they were taken to a home and adopted by my good friends the Incredibles...

And well...Bunny,Tooth, Hans, and thoose twins...They died in the explosion...

"Jack..." Elsa laid her head on my shoulder.

We were all at my house...we agreed to stay there until our vacation time was up...We might as well just stay on vacation...

"Yeah?" I looked down.

"Are we still um...going to...Bunny's memorial service?" Elsa sat up.

"Yeah...I think we should go..." Punzie smiled softly.

*Time Skip*

"Good Evening Everyone...." North said.

"Good Evening..." The crowd said in unison.

"Unfortunately we are here in the remembrance of our beloved Bunnymund...Not everyday we are blessed with such a good person...Bunny you will be missed..." North put a candle next to a framed picture of bunny.

"Any one want to give any memories or tributes?" North asked.

Elsa stood up.

"I may not have known bunny, other than the fact he was an Actor...but behind the scenes he was a friend...a hero,he saved me and my friends...and that's what made him such a good person... Inside and out..." Elsa smiled softly then sat down.

The audience clapped.

"That was nice snowflake..."


I stood up

"I knew bunny for a while...even before we made the movie... He wasn't the social one...more like the nature one...bunny was my friend... And I'm grateful that he gave his life to save us..." I held back tears.

Then sat down.

"Its okay Jack...go ahead...let it all out..." Elsa rubbed my back.

I looked up and took a deep breath

"No need..." I felt my eyes dry up.

"Let's have a moment of silence for bunny..." North put his head down.

The audience put their heads down.

*Time skip*

We met up back at my place again...

Punzie screamed and we all jumped up.

"What?! What's wrong?!" Hiccup dropped his what seemed like million dollar phone.

It landed on the screen side...

As soon as it hit the floor I felt my heart explode...and it wasn't even my phone!

"Oops..." Punzie picked up the phone.

It was cracked completely....

We all stared wide eyed...

"Was it like that before?" Punzie handed Hiccup the phone slowly.

Hiccup took the phone and stared.

"No..." Hiccup said.

Punzie stood up slowly.

"Oh...well look at the...uh know what...maybe I'll just--" Punzie started running.

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