Is it over?

840 21 16

Jack's POV

"I have never been more disappointed in you ever in my life! And your like a brother to me!" Hiccup explained.

"Aye! What do you have to say for yourself?!" Merida crossed her arms.

I can't handle it anymore...

"I should have killed you when I had the chance..." Anna grumbled.

"'ve done some messed up things before but this...ohh buddy you messed up big time!" Eugene complained.

"Listen,we are not broken up..." I said

"You and Elsa made it seem super realistic..." Hiccup said.

"We aren't broken up!" I felt my
Anger rise.

"Yes you guys are! You just can't deal with the fact that she made a mistake once and your scared it might happen to you! Admit it Jack! You think that Elsa is a lying cheat! All she did was love you and care for you! If you think about it Elsa didn't make the did...I bet you didn't even let her explain...because you thought she was going to lie...didn't you?" Anna stood up.

I stood did everyone else

"Lost for words?" Anna grumbled.

I stood up and faced Anna.

"You know what?! None of this happened when you and Elsa came...there were no problems until you two came here! Maybe you should just go back to LA!" I yelled.

I quickly regretted what I said.

"Anna, I didn't--" Anna cut me off.

"No, don't explain...I should take your advice for once..." Anna said.

"You guys, come on! Stop acting like kids! We are adults now!" Hiccup stepped in.

"That's the thing! Adults move on. And I'm going to act like one and go..." Anna said.

"Are you guys really acting like this? After all we've been through?" Hiccup asked.

"When are you gonna wake up Hic? Things change! People change! We changed!,"Anna's eyes started to water and tears escaped her eyes. "Nothing is the same anymore..." Anna cried.

"Anna..." Hiccup hugged Anna.

Anna hugged back.

"I'm sorry..." I sighed.

We may be some crazy people but at the end of the day we are family.

*Time skip*

"Are you guys sure this would work?" I asked.

We stood in front of Pitch's house.

I'm getting my Elsa back...

We walked up to the door step.

I nervously knocked on the door and stepped back some.

Pitch came to the door.

Looked at us then closed the door. But before he could close it hiccup put his foot in the door.

"Listen. We need to talk to Elsa...can we talk to her?" Hiccup asked.

"She could see you guys but not him..." Pitch pointed at me.

"PB who is it?" I heard Elsa's small calm voice.

It was good that she was safe but bad that she was here.

"It's your friends..." Pitch turned around.

"Oh,they can come in..." Elsa giggled.

Pitch let them in but stopped me.

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