Maybe change is good

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Elsa's POV

I woke up in a room that didn't seem familiar and an oversized black t-shirt...

What the heck?

Without any thinking I mad dashed out of there

I found my way downstairs and I smelt bacon.

I basically floated to the source of the smell and saw pitch over the stove making pancakes and bacon.

"Hey..." My voice sounded just like that hoarse like thing every time I wake up.

Pitch turned towards me and smiled

"And she's awake! Want some breakfast?" Pitch set down a plate on his little breakfast nook table.

"Um sure..." I smiled.

I couldn't help but think of Jack and what he said about me...and how he hurt me...

Snap out of it Elsa! You are strong and independent now! Elsa Arendelle depends no one!

" did you sleep?" Pitch asked me.

"Good...your guest room is really...." I trailed off trying to find an appropriate word.

"Dark and depressing? And it's my room...but it's alright I like it that way..." Pitch smiled.

I nodded and ate some eggs.

"Wait...if I slept in your room...then where did you sleep?" I asked

Pitch looked confused

"I slept in my room..." Pitch said with a straight face.


"What?" I almost chocked on my food.

Pitch got up so quick it was almost a blur and he got me some water.

I took the water and drank some.

"You okay?" Pitch asked me.

"Yeah..." I lied

I shook off the thought that me and pitch probably slept in the same bed.

"Good..." Pitch smiled.

We continued to eat our breakfast.

*time skip*

"Pitch's a weird but unique name..." I smiled.

Pitch chuckled.

We sat in the living room and talked like the best of friends.

He sat regularly on the couch while I sat sideways with my legs in his lap.

"My mom always called me PB...yeah I know weird right? It's like peanut butter!" Pitch smiled.

"No way PB! Princess Bubblegum! Ha ha have you seen Adventure time?" I smiled.

"Uh no..." Pitch smiled.

"I'm gonna call you PB now..." I smirked.

"I'm sure it would sound way better coming from you..." PB leaned his head forward.

"I'm sure it does..." I leaned forward too.

"I'm glad you agree with me..." PB smiled.

"I'm glad we can agree on something..." I smiled.

We leaned in

And we kissed.

I didn't pull away either...

This felt real but different

After a while we pulled away.

"It's been a while..." PB said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I leaned back.

"Nothing!" PB said

"This is crazy! I'm crazy! I'm just changing things!"  I stood up and started pacing back and forth.

I remembered I was pregnant and calmed down a bit.

"You're not crazy, and you know, sometimes change is good..." PB gripped my shoulders.

"Listen, I'm just gonna quit the Hollywood life and live on a farm or something...I can't handle the city anymore...especially Hollywood..." I got out of the grip of PB.

"I have to get my stuff from uh Jack's house..." I shrugged.

"Oh than I'll come with--" I cut PB off

"No!--I mean no thank you I can go alone..." I said.

"At least let me drive you..." PB smiled.

"Fine.." I sighed.

Jack POV

Okay Elsa hasn't called and I'm kinda worried...we didn't break up we're just on break.

I just made it look really bad and I was upset but I can't let her go! And she's pregnant!

Anna almost killed me last night and she still gives me death stares  I can't even leave my room without Anna shooting dagger eyes at me.

I'm so stupid!

Then the doorbell rang. I heard punzie "I got it!" Then she gasped. I peeked from the sitting room to see who it was and it was Elsa.

Without thinking I ran up to Elsa and hugged her.

"Please let go of me!" Elsa said angrily.

Wait...this isn't the snowflake I know and love.

"What's wrong?" Punzie asked.

"I don't have to explain I think the jerk next to you can explain." Elsa said nice
And sweet.

In a matter of seconds Anna came rushing down and ambushed her sister.

"Elsa! Where we're you?! I thought you were gone forever! I don't know what I would do without you..." Anna cried.

"I missed you too..." Elsa said Still hugging each other.

"Elsa, I'm sorry about what I said last night...I would never want it to be over between us...I love you Elsa..." I said.

"Can you forgive me?...please?" I asked on both knees.

"If only Jack...If only..." And with that Elsa grabbed the luggage that was by the door and walked out.

I mentally cursed myself out for packing her bags.

"Look at what you did Jack! This is all your fault!" Anna stomped away.

Punzie looked at me and went to comfort Anna.

What do I do now?!

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