17 | michael & luke

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edited 01.20.17

m i c h a e l

There's a fine line between happy and borderline insane. Every waking moment spent with Michael's best friend, Niall, Michael found himself questioning which side the blonde Irishman was on.

"You can't completely combust into dust without licking a frozen pole, Michael; it's one of those once-in-a-lifetime things and your life isn't complete without it!" Niall stood in place as he rambled on, running his hands through his hair as he spoke. One thing Michael had noticed about Niall was that the lad spoke with his hands more than he used his words.

"Don't you have somewhere to be other than bothering me?" Michael asked, handing his best friend another beer. The two were having a lazy day at Michael's house, enjoying their day by playing video games and watching lots and lots of superhero movies.

"Not at this very moment." Niall leaned down over his child's bouncer and played with the baby, producing a small giggle. Niall was endeavoring his first year of college when he mistakingly got a sorority girl pregnant. The girl has never since contacted Niall in any way, shape, or form making Niall a single father to one of the brightest, most beautiful baby girl's in the world at age 19.

"I think she kinda looks like me," Michael gazed down at the little girl with a smile on his face. Vada's big blue eyes caught sight of Michael and the girl laughed.

"Let's just hope you're not the mother," Niall took a swig of his beer. "That'd be unfortunate."

"Oh please," Michael rolled his eyes, "you'd be lucky to have me as a baby momma."

"So Luke seems nice," Michael nodded, "that little child-like innocence to him. How old is he again? 15?"

"Ha ha Niall, you're a comedian." Michael reached forward to smack the boy. "He's a year below us."

"Yeah, I thought so. Always saw him walking the halls with Calum Hood and Irwin." Niall took another drink. "Also don't hit me."

Niall smacked Michael back as retaliation, only for his daughter to start crying.

"See what you did, Niall?" Michael taunted. "You made that poor girl cry!"

"It's not my fault she likes her godfather more than she likes me!" Niall soothed the crying girl.

"She's kind of an ugly crier," Michael peered at the baby. "She cries like you."

"When was the last time you even saw me cry?" Niall snorted.

"Ella Scottie."

The name made Niall quit moving so suddenly, Michael was worried the lad stopped breathing as well. Niall slowly turned to face his best friend with a solemn face which made Michael almost regret bringing her up.

"That's where I know his name," Niall stated in realization. "Your boyfriend hangs out with her."

"He's not my boyfriend," Michael was quick to oblige. "But yeah, they're best friends."

"Gosh, I haven't seen her in a long time. How is she?" Niall relaxed, still slightly tense but for the most part relaxed.

"Still as Ella as ever," Michael suggested. "She still wears that damned promise ring you got her."


"Yeah, but now it's on a necklace around her neck. Luke was telling me about it over the phone last night after we saw him at the bowling alley. He knew exactly who you were. Ella was actually there at the bowling alley, but once she saw you, she hopped ships."

"Do you think I should talk to her?" Niall asked, but Michael knew that the boy actually wasn't present in the conversation. Niall and Michael were alike, so Michael knew just how much Niall was internally beating himself up over what happened between the two.

"I think you should do whatever your heart desires."

"Hey, Mike?"


"You're fucking gay."

l u k e

"The only difference between an ape and Calum is that an ape can grow facial hair." Ella shot quickly, taking a sip from her water bottle. "Other than that their actions are based on their needs and they pretty much smell the same."

"He wasn't like that before." Ashton sighed loudly. "He used to be so full of life and happy. He loved organizing things in a perfect order and hated being corrected. I've corrupted him."

"Into being an antisocial, moody sèx machine? Yeah." Ella nodded. Luke sat on the other side of the booth, just listening to them talk. He tried not to pay attention to what they were saying, they all knew Luke would babble about it to Calum and have the Kiwi further increase his anger. Ashton, on the other hand, was completely defeated on how to fix things with Calum.

Calum was already mad, Luke didn't want Calum so mad that he'd go tearing the heads off of everyone who looked at him.

"Hey Luke," Michael slid into the booth next to Luke and smiled. "You busy?"

"And that's our cue to leave," Ella said suddenly, none of her attention on Michael or Luke, but who was now standing beside their table.

"Ella-" Niall started, but sadly got cut off.

"Ashton, we have that biology project to finish. We better get going." Ella nudged Ashton out of the booth. "Bye Luke, bye Michael, bye-"

Luke looked down at his hands when he watched Niall grab Ella's wrist. Ella's glare hardened and she yanked away from Niall quickly, running out of the building as quickly as she could with Ashton in tow. That didn't stop Niall though, the clueless blonde following after the pair like a lost puppy.

"So," Michael noticed the tension increase and turned to Luke with a witty smile on his face. "How's my cupcake doing?"

"I'm tired," Luke answered truthfully, leaning his head against Michael's shoulder. Michael let out a chuckle, wrapping his arm around Luke and pulled him closer so the blonde was basically on top of him.

After a few minutes of Michael just rubbing Luke's back, Luke fell asleep. Michael could hear Luke's snores and smiled only to have the moment ruined by Niall showing up.

"We kissed!" Niall squealed happily, waking Luke up. The real blonde rubbed his tired eyes while Niall explained. "Well she slapped me in the face afterward but our lips touched for like a millisecond."

"I'm so proud of you," Michael said sarcastically. "Sèxually assaulting women who used to like you."

"It's not sëxual assault if she likes it." Niall reminded Michael, only to see an eye roll.

"She slapped you afterward!" Michael exclaimed, as quietly as he possibly could though; Luke was falling asleep on Michael's shoulder again.

"Whatever you're just jealous that you don't have a steamy, hot romance like one out of a book like I do." Niall rolled his eyes as he got out his phone.

Instead of answering, Michael just looked at the sleeping blonde now resting his head on Michael's chest as he slept. Michael took notice in the blonde's furrowed eyebrows and frowned lips and smiled a bit. "Yeah, that's it."



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