Prologue I: Where We Left Off

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Duke's Palace, Catakus II, Eastmarch
Date: 09212995
Running Eastmarch is not easy. I hate Robert. First, he makes me the Grand Duke of Eastmarch, and now, I'm fourth in line for the throne! Even though it's been 5 years ago, it's still pretty stressful.
I lay down on my bed, and look up at the ceiling. Lizell and I have settled down into our new palace. Catakus II is much better than Mud. The people are respectful, and the scenery from the palace is always an amazing sight. I never really thought I would be living where I am, with such a great person.
Then, the door bursts open. Screams get closer to me as tiny blurs of movement are all around me. I feel a little weight on my chest. I look and smile. Looking up at me are my two children: Alex and Jade. They're twins, both five years old.
Alex looks a lot like me when I was younger with his short, light brown hair and deep brown eyes. Jade looks like a mix between Lizell and I; her hair is closer to a blonde with a slightly darker shade appearing at the ends and her eyes are the colour of emeralds.
"Dabdy," Alex says, his voice adorable as his eyes widen. "Cam you pway hibe amb seek?"
I can't help but smile. "Sure," I say. "I'm it!" Immediately, my children scream and run out of the room, right past their mother. I get up, and walk over to my wife.
"Hi babe," I say, kissing her, and press her up against me. Once we part, she just smiles.
"It's month six," Lizell says quietly as she looks down at her belly. "Baby, I'm so happy."
I can't stop smiling. I always thought my career serving in the military, and shortly after, Praetorian Guard, took that away from me, although I did have some fun times.
"What shall we name it?" I ask, holding my wife close.
"I was thinking Deanna," she says. "Deanna Daemon."
"I love you," is all I manage to say.
"I love you too," Lizella says. "I think the kids are waiting."
I smile, and walk off, and look for my kids.

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