Chapter 25: Jade

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"Payload dropped," a bomber pilot informs me. "Estimate 9000 E.K.I.A."

"Copy that, pilot. Come around for carpet run," I order, looking at Daniel, pleased with what I did.

"Yes ma'am," the pilot says.

"Bomber 2, come in," I try to find the first pilot's partner.

"Here, ma'am," a female voice says. "Run was a success." She sounds pleased.

"Return to space, they need you up there."

"Yes, ma- AGH!" The line is violently cut. The second bomber is down. They're all expendable, I think, ready to head out.

Between when we entered Earth's atmosphere and now, Daniel has been silent, his face hidden beneath his hood. I don't know what to say to start a conversation. I hate the eerie vision of death wrapping it's cold, bony hands around my throat, or rather everyone's throat, with Daniel the only one left standing.

"Carpet is a success, hostile numbers are minimum," the first pilot informs me. "You are clear for total ground assault."

"Thank you, pilot," I say. "Return to base." I cut the line. "Are you ready, my Lord?" I ask Daniel. He only stands up, opens the door, and walks out. I follow his pace.

Earth is ruined. Craters kilometers wide litter the ground, bodies are numerous, and the sky is an amber color. Daniel and I walk through the ranks, with whatever remains of the enemy desperately trying to hold us off.

While all other soldiers duck for cover, Daniel just walks in the open, his cloak whipping rapidly from the shockwaves of dropping shells. One of our soldiers charges from his cover and gets shot in the head. The way Daniel walks makes everything seem to go in slow motion. All the bullets seem to completely ignore him, it's almost cinematic.

"Cover the Emperor," the soldier beside me commands his squad, and he opens fire. It isn't long before a ping makes him duck down. They're all expendable. They're all assets. We can gather more in a matter of minutes. Besides, this battle is ours.

I hop the cement slab I hid behind and draw my pistols. They're ballistic, with each magazine holding around thirty 12mm bullets. I start to run to Daniel, shooting as I go. He's a bit more than 400 meters away from the ruined palace.

Out of his cloak, Daniel draws two pistols. They look like revolvers, but wires fill all the empty chambers. When he pulls the trigger, a green pulse launches itself at an enemy, blowing his arm clean off. They're plasma pistols, I realize. They were outlawed fifty years ago due to their power. And here Daniel is, wielding two, each shot cleanly hitting it's target.

I finally catch up and join the massacre, landing two shots into an enemy soldier. I look at his body for a moment, and I recognize the armor. Praetorian guard. Then I see another with the same set. And another. And another...

"Ma'am, five friendly squads moving up," a commander informs me, leaving me no time to respond.

The amount of gunshots echoing are decreasing rapidly. They've lost, I think, smiling as I kill another enemy. I've won. I beat everyone.

I look at Daniel, who drills a final enemy with a final plasma burst. Out of the corner of my eye, I see an enemy try to run away. I shoot him in the leg, and he screams in agony. I walk over to him, changing my magazine.

"Nonono, please no," the man begs as I cock my gun. I press my foot down on his chest, chocking him and breaking a couple ribs. I kick the helmet off with my other foot, and blood is coming out of his mouth. His gurgles are struggled, his eyes fearful. I smile. I like watching other people suffer, it relieves me of my suffering for a while. I wink and drill a bullet in the man's brain, some blood splattering up on me. 

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