Prologue II: Fall of Grand Duchess Daria

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Between 456 and 457 Alf Street, Demeanor VII, Regecide
Date: 09222995
"Hey, guys, guess what."
"Daria's dead. She got executed by that stupid military guy."
"Bull fucking shit!"
"Tom, it's true."
"Ringo, you sure about that?"
"Tom, Greg, Agnes, I've never been so sure in my life."
"I saw it. She was broadcasted live. Everywhere!"
"How do you know, Agnes?"
"I have my sources."
"Well, who's going to run the URF now?!"
"We need a duke. We need to take down that guy."
"How can we? Grand Duke Lawrence is too soft. He won't let us do it."
"Then we have to kill him."
"Guys, it's what we have to do. It's the only way."
"Who'll run the new Empire?"
"We will."
"But, Greg, you know that-"
"Shut it Tom. We are out of Eastmarch, and I'm sure we can have good reasoning. Get the duke here to sign, and we conquer all."
"We can't take out Drake! The emperor will kill us as soon as we scratch Drake!"
"I have an idea."
"Speak, Agnes."
"We kill the emperor. Guys, it's so simple! Just get in, and blow the place up! Government falls, we take power, and unite the duchies and planets, just like how it used to run! Who's in?"
"I'm with you, girl, you're genius."
"Same. When do we start?"
"We just did."

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