Chapter 13: Jade

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I stand at the helm, overlooking the battle. Another Royal Navy cruiser falls, the explosion magnificent. All the opposing fighters are being shot down, looking like small fireworks being set off.

"Ma'am, the enemy fleet is holding its position, and they've launched dropships," an older man says, stepping to my left. "Should we advance?"

"No, Captain Peelee," I say, folding my hands behind my back. "We don't want them to run. Let them come closer instead." I look at the man. He is a couple inches taller than I am, his hair is grey and a neatly trimmed mustache makes him look intimidating.

"Yes ma'am," he says, pulling out a communicator. The image of a man no more than 70 appears. "Commander, pull the forces back slightly. Omego Squad will be here. ETA, five minutes."

"Yes Captain," he says, and the line is cut.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Captain Peelee asks, his face showing concern.

I look into his grey eyes. "If I know who's commanding that fleet, he will be reckless." My attention moved back to the battle. The Black Sun fleet is falling back, as per my order. As predicted, the Royal Navy fleet moves forward, pushing on the attack. I chuckle. Finally, I can kill Adrian, I think. After all my years of hate towards him, finally. He should've joined me, but he didn't. Probably found someone else who will never see him again. That thought makes my wicked smile grow more.

On the front console, I press a button.

"Omego Squad, attack position Beta Lula. Ten seconds," I say, waiting for a response.

"Right away ma'am," a female voice says on the other end. "Coming in on five."

My head lifts up. Coming in diagonally on either side of the Royal Navy, two more Black Sun fleets appear, and immediately decimate a RMMR.

It's comical watching Adrian struggle. I bet they didn't cover that in your training, I think watching as yet another cruiser gets obliterated.

Seeing Adrian finally lose is a sight I have to witness for myself. "Increase weapons, full power," I order, and just watch the chaos ensue.

Surrounded, Adrian's fleet slowly gets picked off one by one. The attack had perfect timing, so swift, Adrian can't even return fire. He doesn't know where do aim!

"Base to fleet, target engines of all secondary cruisers. Let the Command Cruisers struggle for survival," I order. "I want to see which one runs first."

My eyes float towards Adrian's ship. I smile wickedly. He's surrounded indefinitely; two DSTRs at the rear, and a Command Cruiser. Suddenly, twin lasers fire out of the front, and the Cruiser explodes!

"What the hell was that!"! I shriek, watching as Adrian starts to subdue the DSTRs.

"A charged blast, probably a mix of an EM pulse and photonic matter," Captain Peelee says as if he knows everything. "The ship immediately lost power, including shields, and they dug right through the hull. I don't think we have a defense against them."

"With weapons like that we'll be destroyed! We have to stop them," I say, furious.

"Ma'am, look on the positive, we almost have him dead."

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