Chapter 22: Jade

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"Ma'am, our dropships have broken through their lines," an officer says, looking up from his console.

"Very good," I say, putting my hands behind my back. "Now, break them."

We've trained for this scenario about a thousand times. Our scouts have brought back useful information. But now, the time has come, and we will win.

The battle swirls all around us; lasers volley back and forth, explosions follow, and we keep pushing forward. One of my ship's cannons fire, and wipe out a RMMR instantly, passing through its shields right into the hull.

"Bring our cruisers up," I tell an officer. "Punch a hole right through to the planet's surface." I stare at Earth, hatred fueling my gaze. "I want to see it's destruction personally."

Behind me, footsteps echo throughout the bridge. I turn around, and Daniel is standing behind me. I kneel.

"My Lord, everything is going according to plan," I say, my eyes to the floor. "The enemy is being pushed back."

"Very well," he says, and I stand. "Soon, I will rule everything, and crush my father's pitiful army." From beneath the hood, I could imagine his face. He's probably smiling a wicked smile, his eyes burning with hatred, bloodlust, and hunger.

"Come, Jade, to the surface, where you and I can witness the destruction firsthand," Daniel's voice is now soft, kind.

"As you wish, my Lord," I say, motioning for my second in command to take my place. Leaving the bridge, we were both quiet.

Keeping pace beside Daniel, we walk to his shuttle in silence. His presence is like that of death, you don't know who's life he'll take next. Sometimes, I actually feel a cold hand grasping the back of my neck. I am Daniel's right hand, but he surely won't kill me.

We reach the hangar, and to the naked eye, it looks chaotic. Pilots run to their fighters, dropship engines roar to life, and I was standing in the midst of it all. Daniel's personal shuttle sat there, it's hatch open, almost inviting. The ship was small, having a cockpit and an oval shaped hold. The interior is well lit, a deep red glow dancing crazy shadows across the hold.

"Do you have any weapons?" I ask Daniel, although that's a stupid question to ask. He stays quiet. I sigh and prop my head against the steel wall. I feel a lurch. We've taken off.

"Engaging cloak," I heard one of the pilots say to his partner. From out of a small viewport on the top of the hold, I can see the onslaught of shitty empire my father still considers fighting for.

A beep catches my attention. I walk to the cockpit. "What's the matter?" I ask, referring to the beep.

"We're being tracked by a fighter," the second pilots says. "It should pass any moment." Sure enough, the beeping stops.

I walk back to my seat and look at Daniel. He hasn't moved an inch. Even when the ship thunders through the atmosphere of Earth, he's still motionless. It's best not to disturb him, I think, flicking some of my hair off my face.

"Disengaging clock," the first pilot says, and almost immediately, we took fire. I make my way back to the cockpit.

"Land us behind second wave," I say, putting my hand on the back of a chair.

"No," Daniel finally speaks, his voice cold as ice from underneath the hood. "Take us to the front."

"Yes sir," the first pilot says, plotting a course right for the front, no questions asked. Below, there is nothing but rubble of the once-beautiful capital. The only building left untouched: the castle. That will be mine, is all I can think.

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