Chapter 15

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"Sir, it is only a minor setback," I say, trying not to focus on the angered, pacing Drake Daemon. "We need more-"

"Enough excuses!" Drake yells, while the Emperor slams his fist on the armrest of his chair.

"Grand Duke Daemon," the Emperor says, calmly. "May I remind you that it is your daughter on the offensive, not Admiral Gershwarve. Besides, seeing the damage done to the Dread Armada, the Black Sun has some major technological advancements in both weaponry and, if the Admiral's descriptions are correct, shield. If an enemy fleet without a Command Cruiser can destroy one of our absolute best cruisers in a matter of seconds, imagine what they could've done with the aid of a Command Cruiser."

The room got intensely quiet for a couple seconds. No one dared to breathe. If someone were to walk into the room right now, they'd be forced back by the tension.

"We can't keep coming up with defeats," the Emperor finally says. "Every time we do, I hear people discussing about joining the Black Sun. It drives me mad."

The Emperor's gaze is on me. "Adrian, you need to make something happen." It sounds like the Emperor, the greatest man of all, is pleading - begging - me to make something happen.

"I'll need my ship to be repaired," I start. "I'll then needs lot of ships, probably ten fleet's worth. A lot you may not be getting back."

"What is your intention now?" Drake asks, furiously.

"Cel Ceauti VI," I say, and again, the room goes quiet.

"You're joking, right?" Drake says, surprised. I shake my head. "Son of a bitch. That's the Black Sun's armory!" I nod.

"I just need to know when my ship will be ready," I say. The Emperor and Grand Duke Daemon glance at each other.

"She'll be ready in two weeks," the Emperor says.

"I need less than that," I say. Now it's my turn to be angry.

"Two weeks, with twenty fleets, and an extra 150 DSTRs, 200 RMMRs, 1500 motherships and 100,000 fighters at your disposal," the Emperor says, his face not flinching at the deal. All I can do is just stand there and gulp.

"Yes, your Majesty, thank you," I say, bowing and taking my leave. Outside the door, Cindy waits in her civilian clothes, leaned up against the wall.

"I'm assuming negotiations went well," she says, keeping my pace. "The Emperor is giving you at least twenty-three fleets, if not more."

I look at Cindy. "We have liftoff in two weeks," i say, smiling a little. "Can you relay that to the men for me?"

My blonde beauty pulls out a tablet, and types in the command, and in no time, she's already putting it away. "Done," she says, smiling.

"Lunch?" I ask, pointing to a pizzeria.
Five hours later

Curled up to me, Cindy buries her head in my chest. I wrap my arm around her.

"How did we end up like this, Adrian?" Cindy asks, craning her head so her beautiful blue eyes stare into mine. I smile, and kiss her on the forehead.

"All that matters is that we are happy together, and after this bloody war is finished and our victory," I say, pausing for a drink, "we will be heroes."

"Can we live somewhere far away from the war?" Cindy asks, holding my free hand. I smile and nod. "Thank you," I hear her say as she closes her eyes. After a few minutes, she's sound asleep.

Maybe I should sleep to, I think, looking at Cindy. I can feel my eyes being heavy for the first time. The days without sleep are finally catching up to me.

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