Chapter 26: Adrian

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Alex drops the binoculars and falls to his knees.

"What's wrong?" I ask, fumbling the binoculars in my hands.

"Dead," is all he says. "They're all dead..."

I look to the spot where Alex was looking. There, I see four bodies on the palace stairs. One of the heads is facing us. It's Empress Asta!

I see a figure walking away, her long black hair flowing in the wind. "Jesus fuck," I mutter. "I can't wait to have her head on my shelf."

I put down the binoculars and walk over to Alex. "It's all lost," he says, looking down at the ground. "Its over. We lost."

"No, we still have a chance," I say, kneeling beside my friend. "I don't know how, but we still have one."

"How?" He shoots an angered look at me. "The Emperor is dead, our forces keep falling, and we have no way to get topside to get out of this hellhole."

I look behind him, and see a circular structure. It has little to no damage, but it's too far to make out what it is exactly. "Hand me the scope," I say to Alex, my hand already waiting for it. I feel the cool metal on my skin. I take out my rifle, and attach the scope. I push the scope to its maximum setting, and read the fading sign. "Yacht Depot - Members Only"

"I found our way off," I sling my rifle over my shoulder. "A yacht yard, roughly thirty kilometers out," I say, pointing. "Hopefully there's a yacht that isn't destroyed yet."

"I really want to get the hell away from this place," Alex says, shooting an angry glance his sister. We start walking, Alex's eyes not leaving the ruined palace. From behind, smaller cruisers begin to land, escorted by fighters.

"Adrian," Cindy's voice crackles in my ear. "Adrian, come in."

"I copy, signal's pretty weak though," I say, watching as two Black Sun fighters circle the ruined palace. "It's lost."

"What is, sir?" Cindy asks.

"The Royal Family is dead."

Silence, save for the cannon fire and alarms from Cindy's end. I try to make out the muffled voices, but I can't. I can tell Cindy's trying to take it all in. Everything we fought for, everything we stood for, all gone in the blink of an eye.

"Uhh.. huh..." Cindy tries to speak, but she can't. The words won't come out.

"I'm hopefully going to find a yacht, and I'm coming back, I promise," I say, hoping that will make her happy. "Gershwarve out."

"I signaled a shuttle requisition," Alex says, looking at the yacht yard.

"Why?" I ask, a bit pissed.

"Chances are the Black Sun destroyed everything," he states. "And besides, a yacht won't last too long."

I sigh. "You're right." I look at the yard, then back to Alex. "Let's get a move on, double time," I say, starting to jog. Alex follows my pace.

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