Chapter 28

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Looking back at the destroyed yacht yard, I can only imagine what Alex did. Did he run into the group and detonate a grenade? Did he shoot one of the yachts in the fuel tank? So many questions, but I know I'll never get the answers. My best friend is dead, only as another life the Black Sun has claimed.

I stare at the ground, my thoughts everywhere. In my career as Admiral, I've lost quite a few men and women, some of whom I've been really close to. Many lost their lives to give us a fighting chance to win, with some only being a handful for a loss. That isn't counting this massacre. Now, everything is taking a turn for hell. First, my fleet. Then, the Royal Family. Now, my best friend.

Whatever resistance I put up now is futile. The Black Sun have won. However, it's only a matter of time when the rest of us will be wiped out. I think back to my history lesson of the mid-twentieth century, what massacre took place. Nearly 6 million innocents, slaughtered like sheep. Now, are we the sheep?

"Sir, we need to put her down," the pilot's voice breaks my train of thought. "It's too risky flying about. We may get shot down."

"Proceed," I say, not looking up. I grab my rifle and check the magazine. Ten rounds. Dammit, I think, loading the magazine back in. A few long, tense, quiet minutes later, I feel the jerk of the shuttle landing.

I take a deep breath and stand up. Looking through the cockpit, we've landed in some bombed town, large chunks of concrete and metal and glass decorating the area.

"Where are we?" I ask, looking around.

"HQ," the pilot says. "Some survivors made a small area to make shelter. We have some communications, but it won't be long before the Black Sun blocks all transmissions."

The rear of the shuttle opens, and I step outside, glass crunching underneath my boots. I walk towards the first few floors of a toppled concrete tower. As soon as I step inside, I see a handful of people, many of whom are from the military. All of them look at me.

I walk towards the center of the room, where a holotable sits, Earth being monitored in a blue colour. Four people stand around, talking with one another.

"Admiral Gershwarve!" one of the men say, a smile wide on his face. "We thought you wouldn't make it!"

"Where's Daemon?" another asks, looking past me, hoping for some answer. I shake my head. The room falls silent.

"I'm sorry," is all I can manage to say. I look at the planet. "What's all this?"

"The blockade, or, what's left of it," a third says. "However, there is still a small fleet left."

"A fleet!" I jump up, me eyes wide.

"Yes, sir. It's your ship."

Cindy! I can only think. Love, you're alive! "Do you have any communications with them?" I sound way to eager.

"Yes, patching through now," the first man says, pressing a button.

"Commander Flaccone, do you read?" I ask, praying Cindy will respond.

"Adrian?" Cindy's voice comes through. "Adrian, is that you!"

"Cindy, I'm here! How's the battle?"

"Not the best. A console explosion burned Lauren pretty bad, but she refuses to get to medical. Twelve bridge officers are K.I.A, and many more all over the ship have been lost."

"Cindy, I'm coming to you, I swear!" I say, knowing communications will be cut any minute.

"Adrian, I l-" the communication is severed.

I love you too, I think.

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