Chapter 2

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Gindling Regional E.C, Catakus II, Eastmarch
Jade giggles next to me. I guess I said something? I really don't know. I've been flirting with the girl named Jade Daemon for about two years today, and I have to say, I think it's working pretty well.
Jade is the same age as me, and we're still young. Although 20 may seem old, we still have another 6 years of schooling. Jade says she's the daughter of the Grand Duke, but I don't think so. Her hair is a shiny black, and shines when the light hits it. Her eyes are the colour of emeralds, so beautiful. She's around my height, so 5.8, and her body shape is phenomenal.
"Science sucks," I say, and Jade giggles once more.

"Something funny, Miss Daemon?" Mrs. Zesa says, glaring at the poor girl. Jade shakes her head, her black, beautiful hair whipping back and forth. "No, ma'am," she says, yet she can't help but smile. Her smile, I swear, is the most beautiful thing in the whole duchy. I look up at the clock. 2:54. Almost time to go!

"Are you free tonight?" I ask Jade, her eyes sparkling at the thought.

"And what will we do?" she winks, and I can't help but smile. Jade looks around the room, almost nervously, and takes my hand, her warmth spreading to my hand. "Do you know what this means?" Jade asks me, a smile on her face. I can't help but smile back.

"I think I do," I say.

"My place, 5:00," she says handing me a slip of paper. I look at it a bit oddly. "It's my address," she says as the bell rings, and we all are eager to get the hell out of school.

As I walk to my locker, something catches my eye. It's a recruitment sheet for the military. As I scan through the names, I see my best friend's name. Alexander Daemon.
I shake my head. Stupid asshole, I say. Alex is a great guy, although he is cocky and a whack job. I talked to him on the phone once, and his father doesn't sound too happy with his son. But, no one can forget the brown hair of his. It's a 'major trim' he calls it since his father served in the military, and I guess the hair style is up the ladder.

I weave through the mass of people, just to get to my locker. I scan my fingerprint, and a click opens it up. I shove my books in my bag, and take off for the bus.
"What's that buddy?" my dad asks as he sees the paper I'm holding.

"It's the address to a girl's house," I say, not looking up. "She invited me over."
"How swell," he says. "Don't get too hyper over there," my dad smirks as he goes back to look after the pigs.

"Shut up," I jokingly say. I drop my bag, and head up to my room. I sit down at my desk, and place down a giant holopad. I power it up, and right away, a fleet pops up. I put on a headset, and watch as small green ships spawn, ranging from small fighters to DSTR-class cruisers to motherships to a humongous command ship. Then, small red ships are spawned, mostly fighters and troop transporters.
I like this game. You actually feel like you're in an actual space battle. There are A.I that talk to you, with limitless possibilities for enemy ships and friendly fleets.

"Hostiles incoming, sir," a voice fills the headset. "Orders?"

I look what I have again. 20,000 fighters, 1000 DSTR cruisers, and around 50 motherships. The enemy has triple the fighters, and 150 troop transports.
"Fighters, engage battle. 500 DSTR, 10 mothership, hold neutral point. 25 DSTR, engage with fighters."

As I speak the commands, my fleet breaks off to do my orders. My fighters are overrun, but the DSTR cruisers help with firepower.

"Motherships in neutral point, engage battle," I order. "Remaining motherships, hold neutral point."

The quick and deadly beasts we call a mothership joins the fray, and in no time at all, the 10 that are in the battle have already taken out 25 transporters. Although it's just a hologram, the detail is so superb, I feel like i can actually see the carnage. In no time flat, the convoy is near defeat when there's a slip space rupture.

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