Chapter 33: Jade

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Looking out of the viewport of the bridge, the new Palace is my old Command Ship, the spherical structure fitting perfectly overtop of the old rubble. The city's reconstruction is well underway, within a few days the majority of the city has been repaired, minus the taller skyscrapers. People have moved back into the new buildings, immediately pledging their loyalty to us. The streets have been made with scrap in orbit, painting everything black. The structures have been recreated by terraformers, making them even more lavish than before.

Behind me, Daniel sits in his throne chair, his breathing the only noise in the quiet area. I want to say something to break the silence, but I don't know what to say.

"The city is looking nicely, Emperor," I say, my heart pounding harder in my chest.

"Indeed," he says. I don't even glance back to see if he looked up. "Tell me, Jade, do you still have feelings for him?"

"Sir?" I ask, turning around. I know who he's talking about, but I try to play the fool.

"The Admiral," Daniel says bluntly. "I remember you and him were close before the war."

"Sir, that was years ago," I say. "There's no-"

"One of our scouts found him alive," he interrupts. A projection in the middle of the room shows Adrian standing outside somewhere beside a shuttle. My eyes widen. You're alive! is all I can think. I shake my head and dismiss the thought.

"Sir, there must be a mistake," I say, trying to hide my feelings. "His ship was destroyed, we even have the nameplate in the city center."

"If it's a mistake, then how come I got these recordings from our infiltrator," Daniel says, coldly. "Play Infiltrator 2-6 log 1."

"I have successfully made it inside." It's a young man's voice. "The disguise worked well, Emperor. I never knew being a lieutenant would grant so many benefits! Target has not been seen yet. I have asked around and people say he's saddened by the lost of his ship. One source, a high ranking source, says his partner was on the ship. Though I don't think he'll open up to anyone. Later today I will look for the Admiral. As for now, they are trying to reach other forces across the planet and to other systems. Jam all frequencies except our own. I recommend we leave one to five frequencies to give them a fighting chance. This will also reveal any other hidden bases. Prepare to mobilize."

The playback ends, and a new one starts.

"I have just spoken with the Admiral, though it was a small exchange of words. He does appear to be suffering from guilt. Before I walked in I saw a ring, it still doesn't make me feel bad for being part of this operation. If we are to strike, we should do it soon while we have the advantage. I will stay here for another few months to try and find out more."

The playback stops.

"Now, Jade, let me ask you again," Daniel says angrily, standing up. "Do you still have feelings?"

"No Emperor," I say, swallowing my last bit of courage. "I do not. I hate him."

"Good," he says after a few seconds of tense silence. "Have the artillery target the infiltrator's location, but wait a while. If my infiltrator is killed or stops transmitting you will open fire. Do you understand?"

"Yes, my Lord," I say, kneeling.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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