Chapter 8

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            “Jared!” I screamed as I watched his body fall limp to the ground.

            I continued towards him fighting the tears that wanted to overflow. Everything he has done for me and this is how it all ends. His death is one my hands and I can easily take the blame for his death, after all I was the one that left the apartment.

            I fell to the ground next to me and took his hand in mine; I moved my fingers to his wrist just to be certain that he was dead. I could feel a pulse but it was very faint. Someone shook my shoulder; I peered over it to see Officer James standing behind me.

            “Hey you’re the girl from Movieworld,” he said.

            “And you’re the sleazy cop,” I replied menacingly.

            “Good one,” he muttered miserably.

            Officer James leaned down and moved my fingers away from Jared’s wrist. He pressed his fingers against his wrist and counted. To himself, he dropped his hand and waved some ambulance officer over. I watched as they placed Jared on a board and carried him towards a gurney.

            I stood up and turned to see Meg fighting the police. She struggled in their grip; I ground my teeth together and stormed towards her. I flung my arm back and whipped it around slapping Meg in the face. She glared at me, I could see that she wanted to slap me back and knock me to the sand beneath us.

            “If Jared dies because of you then you better watch your back,” I hissed.

            Meg smirked. “Love to see you try Murderer!”

            “Challenge accepted you fucking bitch,” I growled.

            The police dragged her away from me. I felt a hand on my shoulder; I spun around to see Haley standing behind me with wide eyes. She grabbed my arm and yanked me towards Steph and Emma.

            “What are you guys doing here?” I asked.

            “Alexis, they’re splitting us up,” Haley replied.

            “What?” I gasped.

            “They want us to go live with our families and continue our lives, they say that there is no need for us to follow you around,” Steph explained.

            Emma handed my bag with all of my lyrics in it. “It’s unfair, you need us.”

            I forced the girls into a tight circle so I could explain to them, explain everything.

            “Girls I don’t exactly need you,” I said, shushing them when they tried to protest. “I need to stay with me because The Assassins will try and use you against me! That’s why they want me; they want to use me against my mum.”

            “They want to use against Eliza, but why?” Haley asked.

            “I don’t know,” I replied.

            Officer James came along and grabbed my arm. I struggled against his hold but he was stronger than me, he forced me away from my friends.

            “Take care, stay with your families and watch your back,” I instructed.

            Officer James dragged me towards a police car that still had its lights flashing. He threw me in the back seat and slammed the door behind me, I watched him open the front door and climb into the car. I leaned back in the seat and crossed my arms tightly over my chest. Officer James drove through the city until we pulled up at the Broadbeach Police Station. He got me out of the back and quickly led me into the building. Police were frantically scurrying around the building with papers in their hands. They were all excited.

Where Are YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora