Chapter 11

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Jared gaped at Turner. He walked towards him but he stopped himself. I looked at him in this moment. If he truly loved me then he'd save me and my mum and my friends. I waited for Jared to help but he just stepped back into the crowd and dropped his head. In this moment I hated him, he could have won me over completely by saving me but he had to put The Assassins over me. Obviously he didn't love me.

The group that had assembled to watch smiled at me as The Assassins that had me began to prepare for my death. Two held me while another held my head back. A fourth walked in front of me with a knife in their hands. They walked over to me and lifted the knife above me throat, I knew that they were teasing Eliza. They were probably giving her a chance to spill everything. I knew that Eliza would be going insane. If she told them where to find brother then I'd live but he would die. If she didn't speak up then I would die and he would live. I didn't care if she spoke up because if she kept quiet then she could save my brother, her son, and save Australia.

I prayed that she didn't speak; I'd rather die then have my country destroyed. I'd rather die then watch Eliza tell then every detail about my brother, I would feel horrible watching Eliza tell these monsters everything that could destroy the world. She had to protect her son and in my eyes he was worth saving. If The Assassins got their greedy hands on that weapon then everyone could say goodbye to this country and many others in this world. Eliza would be wounded if I died but at least The Assassins didn't have something to use against her. She could keep her secrets forever.

I smiled at my killer knowing that I had to end this right now because I wasn't going to let her tell Turner anything. "Go ahead, I dare you. Kill me."


"NO!" Eliza yelled. "Please don't kill her!"

"You had your chance," Turner yelled.

I could see Jared in the crowd. He had his hands and jaw clenched; I could see that it took all of his strength to keep himself standing there. Eliza screamed out my name and apologized.

"Alexis I want to save you but I also want to protect my son!" she yelled.

"Don't tell them anything," I instructed.

As the knife got closer to my neck I realized that no one had a hold on my legs. I would die if I had to but I had to fight, I had to at least try and get away from these people with my friends, mum and Will. I jerked my knee up sending the person with the knife to the ground. I shook the others off my arms. The Assassins came towards me but I fought them, I helped Will get free. He fired his gun at The Assassins while I grabbed the knife away from the person that wanted to kill me.

"Kill her friends!" I heard Turner yell.

I looked to see Vicky kill Haley and Steph. "NO!" I screamed.

I charged at Vicky and tackled her to the ground. I slid her knife across her throat and shoved her body away from me.

"Light it up!" Turner shouted.

A few minutes later I could smell smoke and The Assassins began evacuating the building. I took a deep breath and followed The Assassins that dragged Eliza away from me; they weren't taking her away from me again. Fire engulfed the paintings on the walls and I knew that this fire was spreading quickly. Eliza struggled against them and I knew that I had to help her, after everything she has done to protect me.

"Mum!" I yelled.

"Alexis help!" she screamed.

I sprinted after them knowing that if they got away with her then I'd be lost. They'd kill her, they knew that she wasn't going to crack which meant that The Assassins had no use for her. They would find another way to find my brother but if Eliza and I located him then he'd be safe.

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