Chapter 13

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I pulled the car to the side of the road and slipped out leaving the keys in the ignition. I walked across the road towards the building that was the back-up quarters The Assassins had. I knew that it would be a mistake to walk straight into the building like I did this morning. I walked around to the back of the building and searched for a vent. It took me a while but I found one. I climbed up onto a stuck of bins, I walked cautiously to a pipe and climbed up until I reached the vent. I grabbed the knife and I managed to pry the grid of the opening.

I put the knife back into my belt then I slipped inside. I had to be quick before the police caught up to me. I crawled across the metal as fast as I could without creating any noise; I had to be silent if I was to get back at The Assassins. I knew that I could have burnt the building down but there was no fun in that, I had to defeat The Assassins they've taken my life away and the people closest to me.

I found a vent that led to a room down below. I peered down and saw The Assassins scurrying around on the ground below. I continued to crawl along the vent knowing that I would have to escape into an empty room so that I can sneak inside without being noticed. I was happy when I found the exact room that I was looking for. I opened the vent with my hands and slid out, it was a long way to the ground but I clenched my teeth together and kept my legs straight as I fell to the floor beneath me.

I landed on the ground with a soft thud; I let my eyes dart in every direction. Once I was certain that no one heard me I began to walk towards the door while grabbing one of the guns. I made sure that it was loaded and that the safety was off before I opened the door. I lifted my left hand to the door while taking a deep breath, I was in this alone but I wouldn't stop until I got to Turner. He was the one that I was really after but I didn't mind destroying the rest of The Assassins while I was at it. I would save Turner for last, I would make him watch his building burn to the ground before I shot him, stabbed him or snapped his neck.

A small part of my told me that I would end up in jail, that small part told me that it wasn't worth going to jail over Turner but the rest of me didn't care. This man had to pay. He took my mother's life, my friends and because of his greed for my brother's weapon I've lost the chance to get to know him.

I flung the door open and stepped out into the hallway. An Assassin was walking past me at the time and he jumped when he saw me. I grabbed him and quickly turned his neck to the side, I was hoping that it would work. It did. His neck made a sickening snapping sound. I let his body drop to the ground before I moved on, the hallway was silent. I kept to the shadows in case a group walked past me; I wanted to stay invisible as much as possible. There were hardly any Assassins around and that made me disappointed until I heard the babble of voices. I began to walk fast down the hallway until I reached a room with its double doors pushed open.

I couldn't understand the things they talked about but the conversations were beginning to die down, I half expected them to notice my presence but no one turned around and tried to challenge me. I edged closer to the door and peered inside.

Turner stood on a platform trying to stop the conversations in the room. I knew that this was the best opportunity I had to take down as many Assassins as I could. The room fell silent and Turner waited several minutes before speaking.

"As you're all aware, Alexis will be after us," Turner's voice boomed around the room. "If she is anything like her father then she'd probably stalking these halls as I speak."

I smiled slightly at that, little did he know that I was standing outside the room as he spoke.

"As you know we have her father in prison and we've brought him out to find out if he knows about his daughter," Turner continued.

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