Chapter 12

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Alexis's P.O.V

I leaned against the wall as Will told the police everything. They wanted to question me but Will managed to answer the question thoroughly enough that my input was not needed. Tears welled in my eyes when they spoke of Eliza's death; it was too soon to listen to them. I could still hear her scream as the fire engulfed her.

"We need to talk to her," a female cop whispered.

Will peered at me over his shoulder then looked back at the cop. "It's too soon to make her talk about it; just give her a couple of days."

"We don't have a couple of days," she growled.

"Katie, she doesn't want to talk," Will snapped.

"I'll talk," I whispered.

"You don't have to," Will told me.

"It's fine," I replied.

Katie looked at Will with a satisfied smile. She got up and walked over to me. I could see that she was happy that she got the chance to talk to me, I looked up Will and I could see the hurt in his eyes. He was only trying to buy me more time but why prevent the inevitable.

"I'll talk on one condition," I continued.

"Name it and we'll do it," Katie replied.

"Do you swear?" I asked.

"I swear on my life," Katie replied impatiently, she just wanted to ask me questions.

"I get to go after The Assassins when you go after them," I said.

Katie's face fell. "I can't let you do it."

"Then I'm not answering any questions," I replied matter-of-factly.

"Fine!" Katie snapped. "But I'm warning you, it won't be a pretty fight."

"Believe me I can handle more then you can."

Katie rolled her eyes. "Whatever can I ask you questions now?"

I nodded and gestured for her to continue. Will stayed with me during the whole hour Katie asked me questions. I didn't see the point in half of her questions because Will had already answered them. When she was finished she called someone into the room. The grey haired receptionist from the hospital walked in.

"What is she doing here?" I asked Will.

"She's a cop, she was a part of protecting your brother and they called her back in because she has the best knowledge on The Assassins," Will replied.

"That's how she knew me," I whispered.

Will nodded. "She knows everything because she is the best that we have."

"Hello there Alexis my name is Kathy," the grey haired receptionist said.

"Hi," I replied warily.

"Katie has just told me that you want to fight The Assassins with the police, you do realize that they are going after them tomorrow. Don't you think that it'll be too soon to face them after everything you've been through today?"

I shook my head. "Kathy I have to go after them, I'm not afraid of them. After everything they've done to me over the past weeks I believe it's time for payback."

"Alexis, can I ask you a question?" Kathy asked.

"Go ahead," I replied.

"Do you want to kill The Assassins?"

I nodded. "I know that I'll probably end up in jail for murder but I have nothing to live for after I get my revenge. I know that you're probably going to try and talk me out of doing this but I'm not going to drop this. I'm not going to let the police handle this when I have all of this anger inside of me. I'm lethal when I'm angry but I don't want to hurt anyone that isn't involved with The Assassins."

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