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13- Gifts

Early Winter

"You're here!" Pan said a little breathlessly as she ran into Trunks.

He blinked and glanced around the castle. He had gone to her room first, but she wasn't there, so he had decided to look for her. He figured that since Dr. Brief was covering for him that it would be okay to roam the castle on his own. If anyone asked, all he had to say is that he was there visiting his Grandpa.

"Am I not supposed to be?" He asked curiously.

"No-" Pan said before she gasped and shook her head. "I mean, yes!" She sighed and gave him an embarrassed smile. "Sorry, I just didn't expect to see you here today. I figured you'd be-" she glanced around- "on Vegeta-Sei celebrating your birthday with your family."

"Oh," his eyes widened, now understanding her reaction. He gave her a grin, "I can't believe you remembered my birthday."

Pan gave him a proud smile. "Of course, I remember. You remembered mine and friends remember friend's birthdays," she told him earnestly.

Trunks let out an amused chuckle. "Well, my birthday is close to Yule, so my family and I don't do much on my birthday. We have a big breakfast, and I'll get a few presents and a dessert later, but the real party is for the Yule," he told her.

"Ah," Pan nodded her head slowly. She gave him a warm smile that made his stomach flip, and she grabbed his arm. "Well, I'm glad you're here! I have something for you!"

Trunks let Pan led him back to her room. She went straight through her foyer and into her bedroom. She sat Trunks down at her vanity before she turned to run into her closet for something.

"Panna, I can't believe you just brought me into your room," Trunks muttered. Not once had she checked the hallways to see if any servants had seen them before she took him into her room. She had to have been the most unbothered by 'what servants thought' Princess he knew.

"What do you mean?" She asked as she walked out of her closet with a small package. "You've been in my room countless times."

"Yeah, but I snuck in. I wonder how many servants saw you take me into your room and what they thought," he mused, enjoying the way her cheeks turned a dark red.

"I- what?" She sputtered. She shook her head quickly, "it's just gossip! They all like to do it!"

Trunks chuckled, "it's alright. No one saw us anyway."

She pouted at him, her bottom lip poking out adorably. "I can't believe I got you a birthday present."

"You did?" Trunks asked in surprise as he eyed the package she was holding. Was that for him?

Her pout softened into a small smile, and she handed it to him. "Happy birthday!"

Trunks opened the package carefully, and his eyes widened as he looked at the black leather strap for a sword. The belt was engraved with his name in gold.

"I know you haven't brought your sword with you for months now, but when you did, I couldn't help but notice that your old strap looked worn," Pan said as she played with some of her hair. "I hope it's okay."

He hadn't brought his sword in a while because he felt comfortable around Pan. Maybe it was foolish to let his guard down as much as he did when he was around her, but he couldn't help it. There was something about Pan that made Trunks feel as if everything else would be okay.

"Of course it is," Trunks told her with a nod. "Thank you, Panna," he grinned. He was going to change this strap as soon as he got back to his room. He couldn't believe she had given him a gift like this.

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