Dragon Soul

366 9 12

60- Dragon Soul

Late Spring

Trunks was frozen in his stance. He was leaning forward, his weight on his back foot that he was about to push off of to jump to Pan. But Kalamity had beaten him.

The dragon laid on the ground in front of Pan. Crescent had run over to him; her shrieks were as loud as Pan's sobs.

The breath Trunks had been holding came out in a choked sob. He could feel his heart throbbing, and he wasn't sure if it was his own heartache or if it was Pan's. The only time Trunks had seen her this distraught is when she thought she miscarried. Her gut-wrenching sobs filled the air as her body convulsed.

Shakily, Trunks walked over to her and fell beside her as he looked at Kalamity. He looked as if he were sleeping. No, he couldn't be-

Trunks let out a breath as he shook his head. He wouldn't even think it. Crescent was rubbing her face against Kalamity's, her whines loud and desperate.

"Is this what you wanted?"

Trunks glanced up, and his eyes narrowed at the sight of Nahum. He had done this. This was his fault.

"How many more have to die?" Nahum asked Pan. "Just give me the stone and-"

Pan let out out a noise like she was struggling to breathe. Trunks turned to her quickly and gasped. Her fist was clenched so tightly that her knuckles were shaking and white. Her teeth were barred as a growl started to form in the back of her throat. Her eyes looked murderous.

Pan threw her head back with a loud cry that turned into an ear-piercing scream. Trunks covered his ears as the ground shook from the force of the Ki Pan was admitting. A blinding light came from her, and Trunks closed his eyes as he leaned over Kalamity and Crescent to brace himself.

Everything was shaking. The planet felt like it was being ripped apart. Trunks could hear the worried shouts of everyone, but he couldn't even open his eyes to check on them. The light coming from Pan was still shining so brightly. What was happening?

The light dimmed, and Trunks' heart thudded in his ears as he slowly opened his eyes. He gasped and almost fell back at the sight of Pan. Her long dark hair was now in golden, flowing locks. Her dark eyes were now a ruby red. Her Ki was erratic, and sparks were coming off of her.

"This-" Nahum gasped. "This power-"

"I'll show you," Pan's voice came out in a dark hiss as she glared at Nahum. "I'll show you the wrath of the dragons!" She screeched as she flew to him.

"PANNA!" Trunks yelled after her, but she was already gone.

"Panny!" Goku ran up with the others. His eyes were wide as they watched Pan grab Nahum by his collar and ran him through a nearby mountain.

"She's glowing," Marron whispered.

A low groan from under Trunks made him gasp, and he leaned back quickly. Kalamity's eyes were barely open, and Crescent had her head over his neck, a faint glow coming off her. Of course! She was healing him!

"Hey, you Troublemaker!" Trunks laughed through his tears as he smiled at Kalamity. "You had me worried!"

Kalamity let out another small groan.

"It's okay," Trunks gently petted his head. "You saved her.

Kalamity hummed in contentment.

"I've never seen anything like this," Vegeta whispered.

Trunks glanced up as he watched Pan deliver hit after hit to Nahum. The power coming from her was so raw and overwhelming that Nahum didn't have a chance to catch up.

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