The Summit

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48- The Summit

Early Summer

Pan grinned as she rushed down a familiar path. She had been on earth visiting and walking in the gardens when a path between the trees caught her attention. She couldn't help herself before she took off down the familiar trail.

The clearing was just as Pan remembered it. Her grin spread as she walked further into the small hidden spot. Her garden that she had planted years ago was thriving. The place was being back so many memories.

"What in the world," Tarble mumbled as he walked into the clearing as he held Takara. "The way you took off, I thought you had seen gold."

"This place is like gold to me," Pan smiled warmly.

"Yeah, this is where she used to sneak off to so she could meet Trunks," Yamcha commented as he walked up with Takehiko.

Pan fought back her giggle as she walked over to the stream. "You see those rocks over there?" Pan pointed to some near the bank. "A few years ago, I decided to try and jump from rock to rock. I did pretty well at first, but one was too far away. I slipped and-"

"And I swooped down and saved her," Trunks cut in as he appeared. He wrapped his arm around Pan with a grin. "She's been swooning over me ever since then."

"Look at this guy," Yamcha muttered with a frown. Even after all these years, he and Trunks still bickered and had a love-hate relationship.

"I know," Tarble nodded. "He thinks he's so smooth, but he's the same boy that used to go streaking in the town square."

"Hyung!" Trunks' cheeks grew pink as Pan erupted in a fit of giggles. "I don't like you two together. You always gang up on me."

"You deserve it," Yamcha told him.

"He was right, though," Pan told her uncle. She smiled up at Trunks, "I've been swooning ever since."

"Awe," Trunks smirked as he leaned down and kissed her.

"Not in front of the children!" Yamcha cried as he shielded Takehiko's eyes.

Tarble just snickered. "Come on, let's head back to the palace," he told Yamcha.

Pan couldn't hear what Yamcha was muttering as they walked away, but she was sure it was about Trunks. She snorted as she looked up at him. "Are you and my Uncle ever going to get along?"

"He starts it," Trunks pouted.

Pan just shook her head with a small smile and wrapped her arms around Trunks. "It's been a while since we've been here."

"Yeah," Trunks let out a small sigh as he patted Pan's hair. "Since before we got married."

Pan nodded, "it was before I moved to Vegeta-Sei. I still love this place. It's where we met."

"Meeting you here used to be my favorite part of the day," Trunks said.

"Mine too," Pan nodded against his chest. "I can't believe how much has changed since we first met." They had found out that they both were half-Saiyans and half-earthlings. They had gotten married, had twins, and not to mention they found her Papa and Tarble. And Frieza was dead. "So much has happened."

"Yeah," Trunks agreed. "And you aren't as sick as you used to be either, which is a relief. Though I still don't like those pearls," he mumbled.

Pan furrowed her brows together. Trunks was right. She hadn't been sick since before the twins were born. The pearls still hadn't shrunk, but they hadn't grown either. She couldn't help by wonder if the growth of the pearls had something to do with her not being so sick anymore.

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