The Prodigal Son

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30- The Prodigal Son

Late Winter

Pan paced in front of Gohan's study, nervously. For over a season, Pan had been putting off talking to Gohan about Trunks and who he really was. She was fearful of how her brother would react to the news since he had a distaste for Saiyans. She prayed that he would be understanding. That maybe, Gohan would be okay and not be upset. Trunks being a Saiyan, meant that he was strong. Wouldn't Gohan prefer someone strong to be with Pan?

"You can do this," Pan muttered to herself. Her stomach was fluttering nervously, as it had for the past week since she had decided to tell Gohan.

Chi-Chi was gone to Eastern territories, and Yamcha was in a camp down south. Pan wondered if she should wait until they returned to tell Gohan, or at least her mother so that someone would be on her side. She shook her head slowly. No, she needed to tell Gohan. She couldn't hide the truth from him much longer.

Pan took a deep breath before she reached out towards the study. She held her head high as she stepped inside. "Gohan," she began, but she came to a sudden stop when she saw Gohan wasn't alone. He was surrounded by representatives from the surrounding lands and Lapis.

Gohan looked up at her, and Pan's stomach felt queasy. His eyes looked worried and tired. Pan let out a small breath and glanced around the room. She gave a polite bow.

"I apologize. I didn't realize you had company. I'll return at a later time," she told Gohan.

"Actually, Princess," Lapis said as his lips twitched into a smirk. "You came just in time."

Pan could tell that something was going on. She swallowed back the bile that threatened to rise in her throat. "What am I just in time for?"

"The representatives from the surrounding lands were just expressing their concerns to His Majesty about your engagement," Lapis said.

Pan's eyes widened, and she looked around the room. The representatives quickly avoided her gaze. "What's wrong with my engagement? Gohan said that I had the choice to pick-"

"He is not beneficial to the kingdom," a delegate from the West said. He clicked his tongue and shook his head. "So what if he's the Royal Physician's grandson. What can he do?"

"He can fight," Gohan said weakly.

"Your Majesty," a representative from the North let out a heavy sigh. "He May be able to fight, but is he a general? We've looked for records of this Trunks Brief and can't find him anywhere. It's suspicious."

Pan swallowed hard. Her stomach was swirling, and her body shook.

"Lord Koba, on the other hand-" the representative from the North continued. "Is a high standing Lord. He-"

"No!" Pan interrupted as she shook her head. "I am not marrying Lord Koba!" She announced hotly.

"Princess, it would not be wise to go against the people's wishes," sniffed a delegate from the South.

"The people's wishes?" Pan whispered. Her eyes grew hot, and she blinked her tears away. "What about my wishes? Do I not deserve to be happy? Do I not deserve to be with the one I love? Gohan, say something!" She cried to her brother, who was sitting quietly. "You said I could marry whoever I wanted. You promised!" She nearly screamed as she tried to control her temper.

"Pan," Gohan let out an exasperated sigh. His shoulders were sagging. "I trust Dr. Brief. He's taken care of you for years, but his grandson-"

"His grandson is your friend!" Pan interrupted him. "You've had meals together and played games and-"

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