A New King

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This chapter was a BEAST to write. And not for the reason you probably all think.

For some reason, I decided that for the first time since I have started writing fan fiction, that I would write an entire chapter with zero dialogue. Just emotions. Through one POV.

And well, here it is. I'm quite proud of it.

51- A New King


Pan woke up feeling weird. Her stomach felt hollow. It was the anxious feeling that happened to your stomach whenever you missed a step or leaned too far back in a chair. It was like an omen, stating that something bad was coming.

Trunks had noticed something was bothering her, so she confided in him. He gave her a gentle smile, one that eased the unsettling feeling just a little. He said it was too pretty of a day for anything terrible to happen, but if it did, they would face it together.

It was the start of a new week. Which meant Trunks went into town to check on things and make sure the local businesses were doing good. Pan went with him sometimes, but she decided not to this time.

Pan kept herself busy throughout the morning so she wouldn't have to worry about the gnawing feeling in her stomach. She tidied up her and Trunks' suite, even though there wasn't much to clean since they kept it neat for the most part. So Pan distracted herself with the twins.

The love and adoration that filled Takehiko and Takara's eyes whenever they looked at her and Trunks was enough to melt Pan's heart. She loved her children and her mate more than anything else in the world.

Everyone was busy with their morning activities, and it didn't bother Pan to stay in her and Trunks' room all morning. Her and the twins would wait for him to return. However, as midday drew close, the hollow anxious feeling grew in Pan's stomach. Her mouth was going dry, and her hands started to shake.

Pan laid the twins down for a nap before finding a trusted maid to watch over them while she went to find Trunks. She didn't think- she just moved. Her shaky legs pumped quickly, and just as she neared the entrance hall, she heard it.

An echo of an explosion.

Pan swallowed down some vomit. The castle was in frantic whispers as she ran outside. Smoke was coming from the town square where Trunks was!

She ran, frantic and crazy, not carrying who she shoved out of her way. Pan had to find Trunks. She had to make sure he was okay.

She came upon the scene just in time to see her Papa and Uncle Radtiz lift Vegeta from a pile of rubble. The king didn't even look recognizable. His face was covered with dirt and blood. His eyes swelled shut. Burns covered him. Pan's eyes were wide as Vegeta was rushed to the castle for treatment.

Trunks stood in the middle of the rubble. His blue eyes were wide and filled with anxiety. His complexion was pale and clammy. Both of his hands were covered with blood from him digging to find his Appa. His eyes found Pan's, and in a broken whisper, he said what would haunt her for days to come.

It should have been me.

The first day was nothing but frazzled nerves for the entire castle. Bulma and Bulla had been in hysterics. Both Chi-Chi and Goten tried their best to calm them down. Trunks was silent and emotionless due to shock. Pan cried for him.

The doctors worked diligently on Vegeta, and after several hours, they came to deliver the news.

He was alive! But it wasn't good. His head had taken a massive hit, and his brain had swelled up. His leg had been torn from the socket, and so if ever woke up (he had to wake up), he would most likely have a limp. And scars. He would have scars everywhere. The doctors had put him in a healing pod; now they could do nothing but wait.

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