Back Up

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31- Back Up

Late Winter

Gohan let out a tired sigh as he held a cup of coffee in front of him. It was early into the morning and nearing dawn. Neither he nor Goten had slept any. They had stayed up talking about Vegeta-Sei. It sounded just as beautiful as Gohan always imagined it to be, and he hoped to go there someday himself.

Goten also talked about Bulla, who Gohan was surprised to find out his brother was courting her. It made Gohan think of Marron. He hadn't seen her around lately, though he knew why. He had never told Pan that he had gone back the clearing that day Marron had visited. He had wanted to ask Marron to stay for supper, but instead, he overheard the girls telling each other goodbye. Pan had been upset, and Marron was too, though it was apparent she was trying her best to be brave. She had told Pan that she would be back soon, and Gohan hoped she would be. He couldn't explain what it was about Marron that made him interested, he simply was.

"Do you think Trunks can get back up to help us?" Gohan asked quietly.

"I do," Goten nodded his head confidently. "The Saiyan King is a terrifying figure throughout the universe, but he loves his children. I know that if Trunks were to go to him and ask for him help, he'd give it."

Gohan felt his shoulders relaxing. The earth had an army, but it was a rather small one. Most of the soldiers were in the South at the moment with Yamcha as well. Gohan had been so sure that he could keep the planet peaceful that it hadn't worried him that only a few soldiers were still at the castle guarding it.

There was a loud bang outside the door, and Gohan stood up quickly at the same time Goten did. They shared a wide-eyed look, and Gohan was fearful that North had started their attack early.

The door opened with a loud bang, and it was no soldier from the north standing in the doorframe. It was their mother. Tears were streaming down her face as she panted and looked at her sons. Goten let out a strangled gasp, and he rushed forward so quickly that he almost tripped. He caught himself quickly, and with a few long strides, he reached Chi-Chi and grabbed her into a hug. She was sobbing as she clutched the back of Goten's shirt.

Gohan let out a heavy sigh as he watched them. He had missed Goten tremendously, but he knew his hurt was only a fraction of his mother's. They stood there, hugging and crying for several minutes before they leaned back. Chi-Chi was sniffing as she cradled Goten's face, and with her thumbs, she wiped away his tears.

"Look at you-" her voice was coarse as it trembled. "You're so grown up."

Goten let out a shuddering breath. "Hi, Ma," his lips trembled.

Gohan reached over to a nearby table and grabbed several tissues before handing them to Chi-Chi and Goten. They gave him grateful smiles before the wipes their faces. Chi-Chi sniffed several more times, and Gohan gently grabbed one of her elbows as Goten did the other. They led her over to the couch where they sat down.

"Where's Panny?" Chi-Chi asked softly.

"She's in the infirmary. Trunks is with her," Gohan said. "Did you hear what happened?"

"Only part of it," Chi-Chi sighed. "I was told delegates from the lands had stormed in and demanded a lèse-majesté, then I heard three royal votes overturned it, and one of the votes was by the missing Prince. I also heard Pan fainted. I came back as soon as possible," she sniffed. "What happened?"

"Lord Koba is demanding to marry Pan. I would say it's surprising that Lapis and Koba got the delegates to side with them, but it's not," Gohan sighed. "They demanded a lèse-majesté, as you know. Pan came in, and she was reasonably upset. I couldn't do anything because I wanted to keep my head. I know Trunks won't let her go, and so I stayed quiet. Pan stormed out, and the chaos began," he said slowly. "All of the delegates were demanding that Pan marry Koba because it's what's best for the kingdom. The next thing I knew, Goten comes storming in with Pan and Trunks behind him. He reveals himself, allowing the lèse-majesté to be overturned, and Pan fainted from shock, I think. She's okay now. Dr. Brief came and gave us an update hours ago before he went to bed and said that Trunks was making her take it easy."

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