I'll Go to Hell for You

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22- I'll Go to Hell for You

Late Summer

Trunks landed on Pan's loft with a soft thud. The curtains were shut, making the room seem dark. It only took Trunks' eyes a few seconds to adjust. Faintly, he could hear the thunder rolling outside.

Quietly, Trunks walked down the loft into the central part of Pan's bedroom. It was just as dark as the loft, but his eyes could make out a lump under Pan's sheets. Trunks walked over to the bed and pulled up the comforter. Pan looked up at him from the ball she had curled herself in.

"Trunks-" she sniffed.

"Hey," he squatted down and gave her a small smile. He remembered her not being fond of storms, but she must genuinely be scared of them for her to hide like this. "Are you okay? Do you want me to get you anything?"

"Can you lay down beside me?" She asked quietly.

Trunks' eyes widened, and he felt his heart go crazy. He had been stern about Pan's bed. He didn't even allow himself to sit on it when they talked because his mind would race to naughty thoughts. The very thoughts he was forcing himself to not have at the moment.

"I can hold your hand-" he stretched out his free hand to her, and she took it before tugging at it.

"Please, just lay up here with me," she whispered.

Trunks felt his resistance breaking. She was scared, and she wanted him to comfort her. He felt proud at the thought that she turned to him for comfort. With a sigh, Trunks stood up and let go of Pan's hand and the covers before he took off his boots. Pan grabbed the blanket and pulled it down just past her eyes so she could watch him.

"Here-" she started to pull the covers up.

Trunks stopped her and crawled on top of the covers and laid down beside her. He tucked an arm around her and the blanket and held her as his face grew warm. Trunks had held Pan countless of times, but this felt different. Maybe it was because they were on a bed.

"Trunks," Pan's voice was muffled by her blanket before she reached up and pulled it down to her chin. "You can get under the blankets if you want to."

"I think it's best that I stay on top of them," he told her in a whisper before he swallowed hard. "My hands might wander if they're in under the blankets with you," he told her truthfully. She always made him so honest because he felt like he could tell her anything and never be judged for it.


A few silent seconds passed. Trunks could hear the rain pelting against Pan's balcony doors, and the thunder was faint now.

"I wouldn't mind," Pan's quiet voice broke the silence. "If your hands wander, that is."

Trunks felt a shudder go through his body, and he tightened his grip on Pan as he let out a shaky breath. "You're going to be the death of me," he muttered. He could see it now

Pan let out a small giggle, and her arm came out of the blankets as she wrapped it around Trunks. "Thank you," she told him softly as she snuggled against his chest.

Trunks let out a small sigh and glanced down at her with a smile. He might have to fight his urges, but as he looked at her looking so content against him, Trunks knew Pan was worth it.


Pan was trying her best not to let her lips twitch as she ate. It had been days since Trunks had comforted her during the storm, but she couldn't stop thinking about what he had said. Did she make his hands want to wander? What else did she cause him to want to do? It sent excited shivers down her body, and she nearly squirmed in her seat.

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