Awkward. [oneshot]

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You and Yata were best buds before you two met Fushimi. You wear boyish clothes and nobody recognized you as a girl but youdidnt actually cared about it much and gotten used to it. Yata would always laugh at you and would make fun of you because you were 2 inches smallerthan him you just shrugged it off since you're not a guy to begin with. "Well at least i'm not a guy being a wuss around women." She teased, raising an eyebrow while smirking, it made him blushed in embarassment making the whole gang laugh as well. "S-shut up!" He exclaimed "alright alright, dont cry on me" you teased again as Yata was about to punch you, Mikoto stopped him. "Thats enough. You'll wake Anna" he pointed at Anna's sleeping figure on the couch. "Sorry" you both said apologetically, you sat on a barstool as Izumo gave you a glass of water and whispered to you "when do you plan stopping acting like a guy?" You flinched a bit "so you knew?" You asked a bit nervous. In truth you really never wanted to treat as a lady or treat differently by the clan. "Its obvious. Also you cant fool our king and especially you cant fool Anna or me. So when do you plan on telling them that you're a girl?" He said, wiping his precious counter clean "i dont know really.. I got used to it and find it hard to tell the truth to everyone else especially to Misaki.." You said quietly, looking at your glass.

Night time came and you lied down to your bed, thinking on how you should really tell them who you really are, as you made up your mind you texted Yata.

You: hey..
Yata: oh, what up? Ya bored or something?
You: not really..
Yata: whats with the dots? Did you ate somethin' bad?
You: no.. Well.. I have something to tell you tomorrow..
Yata: uh. Sure? Fine, Shorty see you tomorrow.

You hung up your phone and went to sleep. Next day came. You wore a [f/n] blouse with a shirt and doll shoes to fit it, "its been a while since i wore this." You sighed tying you hair to a ponytail, and walked to the bar as you walked in. The once crowded noisy bar went to pure silence and all the clansmen stared at you. Yata blushed madly not knowing who you were until "so [Name] finally wore normal clothes like a decent lady" Izumo said, smiling as you looked away, pouting and blushing at the same time. All of the clansmen were shocked of your transformation "EEEEEEEH?!" They all exclaimed "[Name]-san was a girl??" Rikio said. Yata stood therefrozen, You snapped your fingers at him "Ooooooi, Miiisaaakii" you kept on poking his cheeks until he flinches and shakes his head, blushing madly and stuttering words you cant understand. "Calm down, its just me." You said as he tries to calm himself "b-b-b-but you s-s-said you were a g-guy!" He stuttered "i never said i was. And you never actually asked." This moment was awkward for him, he doesnt know what to do after knowing ou were a girl until you gave him a peck on the forehead and sits on a barstool, leaving him frozen yet again.

Days passed and Yata was a bit uncomfortable around you after you started wearing girl clothing. It started to piss you off because you and Yata would play videogames or argue but he kept avoiding you. It hurt you because ever since you were kids you liked him and you knew about his weakness around girls thats why you started wearing guy clothes. You were going to confess to him but he just keeps on avoiding you the last few days. You didnt know after he knew you were a girl he started to realize how much he likes you and he gets all embarassed and would blush madly when you were around because you were so cute wearing girl clothes. You were walking home until you saw Fushimi, he also noticed you "hey" he said. "When did you start wearing normal clothes?" He smirked at you. "Hmm.. Just a few days ago actually. Oh. Simce when did you forget being a traitor?" You raised an eyebrow at him. You knew that he knows you liked Yata and you were a girl. You were upset at Fushimi that after being his best friend he just happen to leave you and Yata. "Tsk. Idont want to go around with weak delinquents like you." He said. "Yeah, right" you knew the reason why he left but you stillhated it. Yata was behind you and Fushimi smirked as he walked to you and pulled you by the waist and holds yoiur chin up about to kiss you. You were completely dumbfounded "F-Fushimi!" You were trying to push him away when Fushimi was about to kiss you, Yata quicklypulled you away from him and hissed at Fushimi "Oi, what the fuck do you want with [Name], Saru?!" He was so mad but Fushimi chckles sadistically "so she was yours already? I was assuming you didnt liked her, Mi~sa~ki~" "I neversaid I didnt liked her!" Yata exclaimedas your eyes widen "what do you mean?" You looked at him Yata couldnt look at you "I like you.. I just realized how pretty you are wearing girls clothes and how i admire your attitude.." He said blushing. "How boring" Fushimi said and walked away "see you, love birds" "Fucking asshole" Yata mumbled "he did this on purpose" " liked me.. Huh?" You asked awkwardly "yeah.." He answered "i liked you too since we first met.." You confessed.. You looked at each other for a while about to kiss until you heard a cough. You looked at where it came from as you saw Rikio and Izumo behind boh of you "uh.." "Dont mind us" Izumo said "go on and have your " time" together" as they both walked back to the bar leaving youand Yata dumbfounded.

I suck at making stories.. But this is my first x reader.. Hope you liked it somehow..

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