October 30, 2015

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So we had the Halloween dance today, but sadly, Adrian wasn't there today. 🙁

But I do have 2 other dreams I've had. And today at the dance I concluded they I do in fact have a crush on him. Cuz I hadn't made that conclusion in the last week I've been looking forward to seeing him in the hall. And for the dance dare, we didn't realize it was done, so we had to come up with other dares, because April and I didn't ask anyone. So I had to tell Adrian I liked him, and I DM'd him and told him. He hasn't seen it yet. And she has to tell KC. haha.

Ok so here are the dreams.

So we are at the dance, and we are at the wall opposite of the doors. So my group of friends are dancing, and I'm facing the wall, so my back is to the wall. Everyone knows I like him, at least in my friend group. So I had to ask a guy to dance, and I had decided it would be him. So I told them and then 2 minutes later, my friend Lana said "go do it now" so they were all looking behind me so I decided to turn around and walk to find him, but he was standing right there behind me. Not like, right behind me, but a little ways away. So I walk up to him, and we stare for a few seconds, and both say at the same time "Do you want to dance?" And we laugh. Then he said "I'm pretty sure that's the second time we've said something at the same time. Weird" and I said "I guess we are just weird like that" and he said "Yeah maybe. So, do you want to dance with my weird self?" And I said yes. And we danced. 😊


So he wasn't at the dance today, and I was explaining to April that I had another dream (1) I thought of this.

So I'm the queen of hearts for Halloween. And it was the last 15 minutes, and I was sad because I wanted to ask him but I couldn't. So it was the second lat song, half way through, and I was like "ok guys, since I can't ask Adrian, imma ask KC" but April hit me and said " umm Hun, look at the doors. Your Prince Charming is there" and I was like "What? No. KC is dressed as a HP wizard." And she was like "Haha. I know he's adorable. But not him" so I turned around and Adrian was there, in a Prince Charming costume. I was flipping out cuz he looked adorkable (he's a nerdy kind of hot) and he walked over and said "I know I'm not the king of hearts, but April only just yesterday told me you were the Queen Of Hearts, I couldn't find a King Of Hearts costume, but I thought could still be your Prince Charming." And so being the cheesy romantic I am I said " You don't need a costume to be my Prince Charming. Do you want to dance" and he said yes so I turned to April and said "1: I hate you for not telling me, and 2 I finished the dare." So the last song came on as we went to dance and it was slow, so we danced and talked and laughed and then he said "Hey is that April dancing with the wizard?" And so I turned around quickly, but not letting go of Adrian and saw her dancing with KC. She winked and mouthed "Dares done. Dates set"

Bai. 😍

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