November 10, 2015

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I don't know what happened then, I just didn't know what to say in that book.

Ok, anyways, at our school, we have weekly assembly's (well, our schedule says a certain day, but like 1-5 days, not of the week) and we give awards for different traits every month. This month is respect, and at the assembly the teacher talking reminded us of the respect skit, or song, or something we can make to hand in by next Thursday, and if he likes it, at the respect assembly he will present it. So I decided (the assembly was yesterday, so that's when I decided) that I was going to make a skit, and get KC, April, Jay, and more people to be in it. But I haven't decided who actually is going to be able to do it, I need someone to record if I'm going to be in it, we are trying to meet after school Friday, so it has to be people who can come, we have to try and finish it then so we have time to edit, which I can't do so someone else has to, so I have get it on a USB for someone, and they have to be done by Tuesday so I can hand it in Wednesday. AND IM NOT EVEN DONE THE SCRIPT CUZ IVE HAD TO MUCH HOMEWORK! So I'm finishing tonight, cuz I only have math homework, and bringing it, like, 5 copies tomorrow for people to read. Also, I have to ask my mom if I can stay after school on Friday. It's really stressful. And I'm making a bigger script, and that's not for school, it's just for fun, but now I know how stressful it is, and this is a small one. But I might use it for my activity in language, cuz I can make a script for it. But I have to ask if I can do that.

So anyways, April and I were listening to Fireball by Pitbull, and decided to make a dance. But it has guys, so it's 2 girls and 2 guys, so it's like a duet thingie, and we need to find me a guy, cuz she wants KC, which I'm totally cool with (I would want to dance with him, but come on. I ship them too)

So it's about 3 hours later from writing that, and I'm not making a script. It'll just be too stressful. We are just going to be making and practicing the dance, and then go watch movies. So yeah. I couldn't figure out how to start it, and now I just stopped and it lifted stress. So yeah.

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