November 3, 2015

12 1 1

Love. Guys love.

So, during the summer, April messaged me. I don't have it anymore, but it's a convo I won't forget. Here it is.

April- can I ask you something?
Me- Ya. Anything.
April- do you love KC?
Me- why do you think I talk and think about him so much? April, I don't even know anymore.
April- same.

Well, at least something like that.

Yup. So I had said that I loved him. And the thing is.... I haven't stopped. And the thing with Adrian, yes he's hot, yeah I kind of like him, but I have stronger feelings for KC, so it feels different. Good different though. I like having these feelings for him. I'm glad it's him, and not a low-life boy.

So, anyways. I don't have many more dreams about Adrian. Only one. It was inspired by an image. Here it is.

It's like Rapunzel and the floating lights. So we were at this festival thingie, and it's like the floating lights scene. And we were sitting in a boat, and we had 1 light. As we set it off, I suggested we did it together, so I held it and he put his hands over mine, and sat behind me, with his hands wrapped around me to hold it. We let it go, and I turned around a looked at him and we kissed.

That's it.

Oh the KC/ Cece story.

I'll tell that tomorrow.

That Girl You All ForgotWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt