Entry 4: The Midterm

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So you've been taking classes for a number of weeks. Yay. 

You feel like you've generally figured out whats happen'n. Now you've got a week, or maybe a few hours, before your first actual college exam!

To the Barricades!!!

If you've actually thought through this, you've got your study group, your notes, and your book and your like a mad knowledge ninja wielding your sharpened notes and books like an epic wisdom fighter.

Or maybe you're procrastinating on Wattpad because you're freaked out and you're trying to remain calm under the flurry of the Knowledge ninja show down.

Who knows?

 I do, because I'm a master knowledge ninja. You may call me Sensei.

Obviously, the first thing would be to pay attention in class, write notes (with you hand! not on a laptop, you learn better physically writing; get physical with your notes! oh!..... not that physical...) And read or at least skim your textbook.

"Sensei, what if I haven't done this?"

Then I might ask, what the heck have you been doing?

 OK, calm down. The best thing to do is to ask if you could get a copy of someones notes. Read them and make your own notes from these notes. Look over your book, focus on key points your professor has emphasized.

Don't worry, the midterm is generally like any other test you've had in high school. It just covers more material than you're probably used too.

Do not panic. Take a deep breath when you're walking into where you'll be taking your test. Let a wave of assurance and pride in your hard work wash over you and then kick some midterm paper butt with you ninja foot/hand!

Read the whole question, read all the answers. check your spelling. blah, blah.... you've likely heard all that before, so do it.

And when you finish, I want you to picture your vanquished whatever, maybe a giant version of your professor, maybe your notes in the form of a enormous cyclops. Whatever you want. You had an epic battle with them, you destroyed half of campus while fighting, you rescued your crush. The whole shebang. 

Now you stand in your exam room, the life of your enemy is in your hands. You turn them into the pile of justice, where they will be graded for their crimes! You are the hero! Huzzah!

But as you exit the room in triumph, you hear the distant call of your arch nemesis - Final Exam!

You must hone your knowledge ninja skills for this mighty battle to come.

Dunh, dunh, duuuuunnnnhhhhh!

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