Entry 8: Dress for Success

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Alright, so most of us reading this (maybe?) are introverts, and we don't care quiet that much how we appear to strangers (or you do?). But there is that little piece of us that wants to be accepted by our annoying brethren (this is why I think we don't run around in capes and dress how we do in our daydreams *gives reader meaningful look*).

This is pretty much how to appear 'normal' when you need to (or want to, but who would?).

the opposite objective is in the second half of the entry.

Now I'm not an expert on 'fashion', but I've made my observations on how other college goers appear and sort of made a general guideline for myself when the necessity to blend in is actually good. (But mostly, you should be your self and that means look the way you want to look!)

So for whatever your reasons (perhaps you are trying to make new friends and appear less intimidating, or you're taking my advice and being an under cover spy for a day (I never said act normal!)) this is what boring college students wear.


1. Yoga pants and boots. A rather weird trend in my opinion, but at least it's comfy.

2. Sweaters. Again, comfy.

3. work out clothes. (this one bothers me a lot because most of these girls aren't even working out, it's like a giant lie to the world! .....or its comfy)

4. clothes that are revealing and not warm (I suggest avoiding this trend)

5. every possible thing you could think to put on your foot and walk around in


1. Baseball hat with school logo or beer company

2. Sweatshirt with school logo or beer company

3. pants

4. shoes

My goodness. If you think about it, general society dresses the same. I wonder why? To appear normal? To fit in with culture and gain acceptance? Because the unicorns told them too?!

(Leave a comment about what you think)

So that probably was (n't) very useful. let's talk about the opposite of blending in.


Yes, the true purpose of this entry is to help you, dear introvert, through the turmoil that is Halloween. That horrid weekend of booze and loud noise.

A party you say?

What horrid torture device is this!?

Yes, you will be put through endless hours of coming up with creative (and warm) costumes only to find yourself retreating into the corners of places and attempting to make your escape from the utter horror that is the halloween college party!

My advice? Try going to one party with a friend, see how you feel and then move on from there. If it isn't your thing, thats fine! Partying is not the only way to have fun.... and it's definitely not the smartest.

So you went, you confirmed your worst nightmares, now what?

Weeeellllllll..... there are plenty of people like you (and me) who do not want to do whatever it is that they're doing. The tricky thing is finding them and having some of your own version of fun.

Have a Tim Burton movie marathon! Post it on social media if you have any social media ( I personally don't use the media to social) You will meet cool people, still get to wear that cool Dr. Who costume, and the best part!? You wont be hungover after!

Halloween doesn't have to be scary, or unsafe.

You could just read a book (Stephen King! Neil Gaiman!) and fall asleep.

Stay Introverted my friends.


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