Entry 10: Lecture Halls

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You will inevitably wind up having a class in a large lecture hall. Let me tell you, its like a death sentence. I can just see that guy from Monty Python and the Holy Grail walking around the buildings yelling,

'Bring out yer dead!' CLANG 'Bring out yer dead!' CLANG. And then I can see a group of people carrying a stone cold introvert, exhausted from having to sit in the same room with 300+ people for a few hours. The wheel barrow fills up quickly.

Introvert advice; be prepared before entering the belly of the beast. If you have a friend in that class, then settle in a place you will always sit so you don't loose your buddy. If you don't have a friend, you could try making one, but I'd recommend doing this after several lectures of sitting in the same place, you'll see who sits habitually like you, and they'll likely be introverts (we have a higher tendency to have a 'safe haven' habit, Extroverts will sit in the same vicinity but aren't as particular about the exact seat (*as always, this is a generalization, not black and white as extrovert vs. introvert)).

This new found 'friend' could potentially become a real friend, but know that it will likely just be an alliance against the dark threat of social labeling. By sitting next to each other and occasionally speaking, you create the illusion of social ability and belonging (in your brain and others if they bother to pay attention). Remember, most people are just concerned about themselves, they don't care or notice that you are by yourself. Besides, there is nothing wrong with being by yourself, you should enjoy your own company.

But oh boy! Those classes can really sap your energy. There is so much stimulation and minor distractions while also trying to learn, you come out exhausted and wanting to curl up under a blanket and binge watch an entire season of Gilmore Girls on Netflix. *true story though

You can brave through it though! 


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