Entry 6: Major Decisions!

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Many people are undeclared or realizing that although the subject of physics sounds cool, it in reality is usually very difficult. You might want to switch, but to what!?

And yes, it may seem like your future weighs upon what major you choose.

I, clearly, am not an English major because I don't give a darn that you can't start a sentence with 'and'.

But reading is awesome. (There I go again! starting sentences with linking words!)

Well, I'm here to tell you that generally, your major doesn't really matter. Employers want people who know how to think, communicate, problem solve, and get the job done. College is as much about learning about the world as learning about yourself. Growing your skill set is what will help you in any future career. The major just helps you do that. The point is that you should be able to do your job well.

Although I will say here, science majors are the best at developing these attributes. (whoop, whoop!)

Seriously though, if you hate your major, you're going to hate your job and that's no way to live.

Haters gonna hate their life.

'nough said.

Ok that was all deep and meaningful, I'm not feeling like enough humor was squeezed into that entry.

hmmmm. What can I write about major humor...... or life?

Well, lets try this.

You will meet people (or you are that person) who will have a major that will make you wince. Like how on earth can you make a career out of Art History? or philosophy, or Random studies, or focus on ancient Norwegian culture?

Well, usually you don't (But I'm no expert on this, so don't freak out and scream at your advisor and become an engineer)

Any-who, You will meet this person (or experience this reaction) where you politely cough and say,

"Wow, That's really... interesting." And if they look at you expectantly say, "What do you do?" with a causal curious tone. And you'll be stuck, with no interest, listening to the many interesting and minute details of the art in the baroque era. (I do honestly love these subjects, but not when I'm talking to a stranger who is keeping me from getting my coffee!!!)

So if you don't want to be this person. Minor in the art history, enjoy everything! Have a lot of fun in your happy go lucky world of history and thoughts and then find a major that you can enjoy but ACTUALLY TRANSLATES INTO REAL LIFE.... outside a museum.

Try computer science. Yes my friends, that is a major infested with employers and boredom, unless you're into that kind of thing. There is an extreme shortage of people who can write code and.... do, other things. In a computer driven society, you might be pleasantly surprised and generally curious to see how programs work.

Not for you? Thats totally fine, it's just a suggestion.

Majors can be a major problem :D, but don't worry, at some point you will find your calling, it may not happen today, or even tomorrow, yet life has a funny way of helping us out. Think, or pray, or run madly around the earth on a random hitch hiking excursion to find your soul. Just never give up.

Peace out homies.


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