Entry 12: Finals

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So Finals are a lot like midterm, except they're final. That's it, you can't do anything else. Done.

How depressing (or exciting). It's a lot like the Hunger games (especially if you get a curve!)

Finals week is strange. You get stressed out and busy, yet you don't have anything due and you only have a few classes to attend (classes meaning 2 hour gaps of quiet, achy neck from bending over a bubble-in sheet)

It depends on how you handle test as to how you'll react. As an introvert, I find some tests very pleasant, and others incredibly annoying. It mostly has to do with the peers I'm taking the class with.

Unfortunately, testing season is also flu and cold season, you can tell when dead week is coming when everyone around you starts dropping like flies (figuratively). You'll be crammed into your classroom with all your peers, sniffling, hacking, and feverishly going through the test. I like it when its quiet (and I can participate in the page turning noise contest! announcing to the whole room that you are making progress! It feels good! :p)

And then there is the testing session where you aren't quiet sure if it was A or C and the person two seats diagonal from you won't stop sniffiling and you're trying to fill in the bubble instead of turning around and handing them a Kleenex with a note saying 

'got outside!'

Another frustrating bit about finals is that sometimes you get multiple exams in the day, sometimes they're all at the end of the week and you have to wait for them while everyone else is finishing up and heading home. Some people will be done with the term on Tuesday and all you want to do is switch places with them (sometimes so badly that you would even give up knowing the ending of the current book you're reading if you could be done too...... (except we all know that would kill a book loving introvert))

by the way, what current books are people who are reading this reading? (try saying that five times fast!)


If you did your work and you know how to take a test you'll be fine. Don't let other people rub off their emotional stress on you, because you prepared for this!






Happy Finals testing everyone :) (even though that was two months ago ;p, *shrugs*)

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