Entry 9: Sleeping in the Land of Sleeplessness

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As introverts, we generally desire alone time, quiet and curling up into tent blankets with a good book and the white noise of soft rain dribbling down the window outside while our mug of tea steams and warms our hands.

So what is one to do when you share a room/apartment, everyone around you seems to enjoy staying up and out super late, and people are noisy (you have no idea how much noise one human bean can make!)

Well, here are a few tricks I've used and created to deal with the fact that people are giant, messy, noise machines. (and my theory as to why people, as I call it, 'noise pollute')

So if you're trying to fall asleep with a party nearby (or in one of my cases, in my apartment (*cough* the evil predator extrovertis Rommatus *cough*) my favorite trick is shrinking the world.

No magic needed, just something that can play music and two pillows. Get comfy, try to focus on your inner world, maybe day dream. Play white noise music (you can find tons of this on youtube) and put the pillow over your head, but leave room for air to come through and don't press the pillow over your ears (Its not relaxing to hold something to your head).

 Place your music inside your little world, try to have it so no light is shinning and focus on the sleep music, every-time you find yourself being annoyed by the party noise, just shrug it off and focus on the white noise and if you have enough concentration, just play in your day-dream world until you nod off into blissful sleep.

Warning, the above results in a majorly bad bed-head :).

Now even though we may not like it, people have a right to paaaaarrrtttaaaayyy (think of that 80's song :D) So getting mad at a large group of people isn't going to do you any good. 

Keep in mind the Extrovertis is a dangerous predator when it is hunting in packs, you mustn't allow them to drink your energy juices! Though the black holes they form when partying can be very draining, even with your favorite music and book shielding you from their effects, you must persevere!

Exercise is another component that can help you; making yourself tired will allow you to fall asleep much easier, and thus ignore the bombastic cacophony.

Lets say people are justing being noisy outside your door. Be polite and ask them to move along. If it's really late at night, you have a right to call the police on noise control, however, be judicious about this. Do you know these people? Will you likely see them again? Calling the police on people you live with/nearby should be a last ditch effort, and the party you are complaining about should be very aware of your demands, or you fear for your well being. But that's a topic for another day)

So, here is a question I have asked myself many a time during late nights on Friday, 'Why are Human Beans so noisy?' Here is  my theory, I think you will appreciate it. (P.S. Leave you theory on why people enjoy being so noisy, I want to know!)

There is a reason we are called human beings, beings being loosely based off the term bean. Beans are well known for causing gas in the gastrointestinal tracks and this tends to lean towards loud, rather gross and stinky ends. Humans we're given this name because of their tendencies to conjoin and create a stinky mess as loudly as possible (I.E. Parties).

This dates back as far as the Romans! They would wear carved butter crowns and eat food until they were stuffed, throw it up by pushing a feather down their throats and then restart. (gross is an understatement) *I didn't make this part up, do some research on the subject, Roman culture is fascinating*

Let me know how y'all cope with sleepy time, click the pretty star button if you hate noisy parties :)

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