Entry 7: Free Time

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So you have some time on your hands? No Homework? No Meetings? No classes?

(it's ok, I know you're pretending to forget about them so you have free time)

What on earth is an introvert to do!?

This is the kind of situation where you have one mini person on each side of your shoulder. Neither of them are necessarily evil or good, but one of them wants you to spend your free time with or making friends and the other wants you to jealously hoard your free time like a honey badger. *see picture above*

Personally, I think the Honey Badger usually wins when you're introverted.

Here are some ideas for spending that free time of yours.

1. Read Wattpad and put a blanket over your head.

2. Watch Netflix and knit a scarf.

3. Have a Gilmore Girls marathon, maybe invite a close friend so you can giggle together about all that Gilmore goodness. And get take out. Lots of take out.

4. Watch a sad movie, because crying over stories makes us feel good. I recommend watching 'Hachi'. It will have you weeping for an hour once its done.

*sniffs, holds back a tear*

5. Take a walk through the park and contemplate life.

6. find your local library and check out as many books as possible. Go home, make a gallon of tea and a plate of cookies. I think you know what to do from here.

7. Walk around with a friend at midnight and try to see who can find the weirdest thing. (my best weird fine was a guy asked us if we had a quarter for cat food. Beat that creepiness!) *if you do this, please stay in a safe area and don't walk alone.

8. If you can, gather enough people to play a quiditch match. Learn the rules as you go. No spells allowed!

9. Clean your room!

-to the loud music of your favorite band and dance around like an idiot while you clean

10. Step into a random lecture and listen in. Bonus points if you can answer one of the professor's questions

11. Have a 'bad' movie night in your dorms or apartment. It could just be you or anyone you feel like inviting. Watch movies that are famous for being bad and make fun of the film as you watch.

12. Have a youtube party. Get some friends together and each take turns showing funny youtube videos to each other.

13. Invent a new sport. Run around campus playing it with your friend and see if you can get a stranger to join you.

14. If you don't have free time during the day, dress up as a famous historical person and walk around all day insisting you are them. Not only will you get what you need to get done, done, but you will also spread some much needed humor. Make sure your costume is recognizable, it's not as fun explaining who you are. *unless you answer in character*

15. Play Netflix Rulet/poker. Get some friends together, pitch in to buy a giant bag of candy or cookies etc. And divide them up equally. Next, take turns picking out the worst tv show or movie you can and make bets on whether or not everyone can make it through without doing something (I.E. Laughing, not being able to watch the whole thing, smiling....) If anyone can't make it through, they lose their bet and the person who picked the show wins their goodies. Next person goes etc.

16. Pretend to sleep for 24 hours. (this is most interesting when you share a room) You have the whole day off! Lets see if you can trick your roommate into thinking you're asleep the whole day. Think of this like a spy in training sort of game. Your going to have to get food during the day so you need to sneak out of your dorm without being noticed, acquire food and get back in without being noticed, I've haven't done this before so my instructions will be hard to follow. Just be creative and have fun.

17. Announce 'the ground is lava' day. Get as many people as you can to pretend like the floor in your dorm/apartment is lava. You can use pillows etc. as stepping stones but you can't touch the ground.

18. Sometimes we just want our day off to be a day off. Don't make plans, just relax and do whatever the heck you want to do.

Thus ends my suggestions for using your freedom to have fun. Let me know if you try any of these you adventurous introverts!


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