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"Hey Vin!"


Vincent felt around a bit with his cane until he got into the office and sat in the chair, drumming his fingers on the desk. His back was sloppily bandaged- it's hard to bandage your own back, especially when you're blind.

"Everything okay?"

"Everything's... normal. I guess."

"How's Mahogany?"

Vincent froze. He could still remember all the hatred in her voice, the anger. He'd tried to forget everything, forget the breakup, but it always seemed to come right back.

He started to sob. That was all his eyes were good for anyways.

"V-Vince! I-I'm sorry..."

Scott put a hand on Vincent's shoulder briefly, then pulled him into a hug. Vincent's cane clattered to the ground, but he didn't really care. He latched on to Scott's shirt and sobbed, letting out everything until he didn't have the energy to cry anymore.

"Shh, Vincent, I'm so sorry..."

"I-It's not your f-fault..."

The sound of Vincent's sobbing echoed in the quiet room. Scott ran a hand through the man's purple hair, resisting the urge to kiss him instead.

"She... she broke up with you, didn't she..."

"Y-yes!" Vincent started to sob again, but Scott put his hands on the man's cheeks and wiped his tears away with a thumb. Vincent's face got warm and tingly, he could tell he was blushing.

"Forget about her, Vincent. She wasn't the right one anyways."

"B-but..." Vincent couldn't really argue, just covering his face and sitting down again.

Love Is Blind- PurplephoneWhere stories live. Discover now