[00] Prologue

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I woke up with my arms around someone. I slowly opened my eyes to see my beautiful 7 year old sister, Maya. She was sleeping peacefully in my arms.

I slowly unwrapped my arms from her tiny frame and stood up. I didn't want to wake her up, so I had to be as quiet as possible. I walked to the bathroom that was connected to my room.

As I looked into the mirror, I saw that my eyes weren't its natural green color. It was icy blue, almost white.

I signed and started to brush my teeth. I blinked a couple of times, and my eyes went back to normal.

Usually, people would be stunned at the fact that their eyes were not its natural color, but I was used to it. With being a supernatural creature, I'm kind of used to it.

Supernatural? Well that's not real. It's only folklore. Werewolves, were-coyotes, were-Jaguars – it's all a myth.


I would know. I am a were-tiger and so is Maya. But she's only 7, so she isn't as developed as I am yet. And I'm not just any were-tiger. I can shift into an actual tiger, but I rarely do it.

We keep this a secret from everyone. Not even our "parents" know. Why did I put the quotation marks over "parents"? Because they're not really our parents.

Maya and I were adopted.

6 years ago when I was 11 and Maya was only 1, our parents passed away. It was really tragic actually.

No, they weren't killed by wolfsbane, or mistletoe or anything supernatural. So what killed them? You guessed it – a car crash.

Both our mom and dad were also were-tigers. They were both born in California, but when they were together, they got married and moved to Asia. It was both of their dreams to go there, so they decided to make it come true.

The legend of the were-tiger says that they can either be transformed by a curse that has been passed down, or by a revengeful ghost.

And what turned my parents? A very, very, very revengeful ghost.

In Asia, some people who were killed by tigers, came back as malevolent supernatural beings. They turned people into were-tigers and made sure that all of the tigers killed more people.

Crazy, I know.

My mom and dad realized that they were basically being possessed by a ghost that turned them into man-eating Tigers, they escaped. They moved to a small town in India that they believed would keep them safe from all of the madness.

There, they had me. But it wasn't until I was about 5 or 6 when the ghosts came back. They knew that my parents escaped, and they spent a long time finding them.

When the ghost saw that my parents had a child (me) they took it as an opportunity. I was already a were-tiger. Born, not turned.

They wanted to turn me man-eating, too, but my parents protected me.

Once again, they ran away from the ghosts. This time, moving all the way back to California.

When I was 9, my mom got pregnant again. And a couple of months after my 10th birthday, baby Maya was born.

Most children who get new siblings, usually hate giving up the life of an only child, but not me. I loved Maya, and I still do.

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