[03] "It's Called Heartbreak."

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I knocked on the front door to Scott's house, waiting for the door to open.

And finally, it did. But it wasn't Scott. "Hey, aren't you the girl from next door? I've met your dad at work, he's very nice." The woman smiled, holding out her hand.

"Yes. And you're Scott's mom, right?" I asked, shaking her hand.

"Please, call me Melissa." She said, opening the door and inviting me in. "Scott's upstairs with your sister. The 2nd door on the left." Melissa said.

"Thanks." I smiled at her one last time before heading upstairs.

I twisted the knob and opened the door. The lights were turned off, an it was dark so I quickly turned the lights on.

Scott and Maya were laying on the bed, asleep. They both looked adorable while they slept! It's a shame I had to wake them up.

"Scott." I called, shaking him a little. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. "Hey Kacey." He said. "Hi." I said.

Scott sat up and smiled at me. "What are you smiling at, creep?" I giggled. "Nothing." He said. I could tell that there was something that he wasn't telling me. He was smiling like a mad man.

"Scott." I called him. "It's nothing, really." He said. I rolled my eyes and picked up Maya. She shifted a little in her sleep, laying her head on my shoulder.

"How was your little date with Stiles?" Scott smirked. I sat down on his bed. "None of your business." I told him.

"I heard that you two had a little make out session." He says. I hit Scott on the back of his head. "Shut up!" I said. I started blushing.

"How'd you know what happened?" I ask. Scott smiled. "Stiles is my best friend, you really think that he wouldn't tell me about this?" He asks.

"Anyways," I started, trying to change the subject. "What did you and Maya do today?" I asked.

"We went out for pizza and then we came here and watched TV. We didn't do much." He explained.

"What time did you two fall asleep?" I asked, looking at his clock which read "7:44."

Scott looked at the clock. "I'm not sure. It wasn't that long ago though. Maybe about 7:20." He says.

"Okay. Thanks for babysitting." I told him. "No problem. I love this little girl." He smiles.

"I'm 120% sure that she love you too." I said.

"See you tomorrow." I called to Scott as I walked down the stairs.

I saw Melissa in the living room as I got downstairs. "Bye Melissa." I told her. "Bye." She said as I left the house.
After I put Maya in her bed, I took a shower and got dressed in house clothes.

My phone vibrated on my bedside table. I got a message from Stiles.

(Btw Stiles's name in Kacey's phone is just "Stilinski.")

<From: Stilinski>
Hey Kacey 😃

<To Stilinski>
Hey Stilinski 😄

<From Stilinski>
Are you home?

<To Stilinski>
Yeah. I picked up Maya then went home. She's sleeping 💤

<From Stilinski>
Oh my dad's sleeping. After you left he was bombarding me with questions about whether we're dating or not 😂

<To Stilinski>

<From Stilinski>
So are we?

<To Stilinski>
Are we what?

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