[07] "Derek Isn't Dead."

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I waited outside of the principals office with Stiles. That's were the sheriff was talking to Ashley. (Ashley was the girl who was crying because her boyfriend was you know, sorta—dead)

"Wait right here." A deputy said to her as they walked out and the deputy went back into the room.
Stiles took this as an opportunity.

"Um, hi Ashley. Hi." Stiles said, standing up and talking to her. "Could I talk to you, just for one sec?" He asked.

"Sorry I just need to ask you something."

I sat on the chair outside of the office and watched them talk.

"Okay, this is gonna sound really, unbelievably weird and completely insensitive. So I apologize in advance." He says.

Ashley nodded, looking completely confused and weirded out. "Was Kyle a virgin?" Stiles asked like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"What?" Ashley asked. "Your boyfriend. Was he a virgin, or did you guys...." Stiles trailed off.

Ashley looked at him like he was crazy and then slapped him. Usually, I would have defended him, but now I think he kind of deserved it. So I just started laughing.

"Really?" Stiles asked me, holding his cheek. "Sorry." I tried to keep a straight face, but as soon as he looked away, I cracked a smile.

Just then, the deputy came and took Ashley away from Stiles. Ashley stopped walking and turned back to him.

"No, he wasn't a virgin." Ashley said before walking away. I stood up next to Stiles with the same shocked look on my face.

He wasn't a virgin? So why was he sacrificed? Okay, what the hell is going on here?

The sheriff came up to Stiles and I. "Have you completely lost your mind?" He asked his son. "I've got four murders, Stiles. See those men in there? That's the fbi, they're pulling together something to help because it looks like we've got a full blown serial killer on our hands. You get that?" He explained.

"Yes." Stiles answered. "Dad, I get that."

"Then what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to find a pattern." Stiles answered.
"What'd you learn in school today?" I asked Maya.

"Ms. Matthews (her teacher) didn't come to school today. We had a substitute. She let us watch Dora!" She said. "Do you know why she didn't come to school?" I asked.

"No. But I heard the principal talking to the substitute and he said that Ms. Matthews was missing. Does that mean that she's dead?" Maya asked me.

She's missing? Just like all the how all of the other people we found were. I don't want Maya to come home tomorrow saying that they've found her teachers body tied up against a tree with a wire around her neck.

"No, Maya. I'm sure that just means that she's at home, taking a vacation. She's not dead." I say to her. "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure."

"What do you want to eat for dinner?" I asked, changing the subject. "Pizza!" She exclaimed, smiling. "Okay, I'll order some later." I say.

"Can we get pepperoni?" She asks. "Sure. And we-" I started, but was cut off by my phone ringing.

I picked up my phone and looked at the caller ID. Stiles.

"Hey-" I was cut off by Stiles speaking over me. "Mr. Harris is missing." He blurts out. "And...?" I asked. "Isn't it obvious? First Kyle, than the Music teacher, now Mr. Harris? Sacrifices. They were all associated with the military and Deaton says each group has a purpose. Virgins, healers, philosophers, warriors," he explained.

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