[05] "Risk And Reward."

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I followed the directions that's Stiles gave me, to get to Derek's loft.

As I got to the place, I took the elevator to the 3rd floor. As the elevator opened, I saw Scott, Stiles and Derek all standing by a table, looking at something.

I walked off the elevator and walked deeper into the loft. "Hey guys." I walked up to them.

"Hey Kacey." Scott says. "Hey babe." Stiles hugs and kisses me. "Ugh." Derek rolled his eyes and groans.

"Well hello to you too, Mr. Grumpy pants." I smirked.

I stood in front of the table that they were at.

"He's been grumpy ever since he was a kid." I heard someone say. I looked in the direction of the spiral stairs to see a man sitting on them.

"Who's this?" I asked. "That's Peter." Scott said. "Psychotic uncle?" I ask. Stiles, Scott and Derek all nodded.

"Hey, I'm right here you know." Peter says.

"So how are you guys gonna get inside of the vault?" I questioned, looking at the piece of paper that they were looking at.

The paper was a blueprint of the bank that they believed Boyd and Erica are in. They think that the pack of alphas have taken them, and now they need to get them.

"There's and air duct that goes from the roof straight to the wall of the vault." Stiles explained, drawing on the blueprint in red marker-that means it's official.

"Can we fit in there?" Scott asked. "Yes we can, but very very barely." Stiles says.

"And they also patched the wall obviously so we're gonna need a drill of some kind. I'm thinking maybe diamond bit." He said.

"Look, forget the drill."Derek says. "I'm sorry?" Stiles asks. "If I go in first, how much space do I have?" Derek asked.

"W-what do you think you're gonna do Derek? You're gonna punch through the wall?" Stiles looks at Derek as Derek crosses his arms, looking pissed.

"Yes Stiles, I'm gonna punch through the wall."

"Okay big guy, let's see it. Let's see that fist. Big ol' fist. Make it. C'mon." Stiles puts his hand out.

"Get it out there, don't be scared." Stiles says. Derek puts his fist out and rolls his eyes. What's with this guy and the attitude?

"Big bad wolf? Yeah look at that." Stiles said. "Okay, see this?" He asked, putting his palm almost touching Derek's fist.

"That's maybe three inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid-" Stiles was cut off by Derek punching his hand, hard.

The force sent Stiles' hand into the metal table. Stiles grasped his hand in pain. "Ahhh." Stiles groans, walking away.

"He can do it." He said, his voice was high since he was clearly in pain. I walked over to Stiles and comforted him.

"I'll get through the wall." Derek stated. "Who's following me down?" He looked at his uncle.

"Don't look at me." Peter says. "I'm not up to fight speed yet. And honestly, with Isaac out of commission, your not looking of very good odds for yourself."

"So I'm supposed to just let them die?" Derek asked. "One of them is already dead." Peter pointed out. He was talking about Erica.

"We don't know that." Derek protests. "Do I have to remind you what we're up against here? A pack of alphas, all of them, killers." Peter says.

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