[02] "No More Secrets Honey."

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"Stiles." I moaned as he kissed my neck. (What a good way to start the chapter 👍)

I ran my finger through his hair and kissed his forehead. He took off his shirt and I saw his bare chest. We kissed and he put his hands at the hem of my shirt.

Stiles looked at me, asking for permission. I nodded and he pulled my shirt over my head. "You're so beautiful." He complimented.

I smiled at him before kissing him again.
I slowly opened my eyes. I was on my bed, alone. "The hell?" I asked myself. That was just a dream?

What did it mean? Did I mean that o like Stiles? Yeah, I definitely like Stiles.
2 Days Later

I was carrying Maya as we walked out of the house. Stiles' Jeep was parked outside and Stiles, Scott and some guy I didn't know was standing outside of Scott's door.

"Hi!" Maya waved as I walked over to them. "Hey." I smiled. "Maya, Kacey, this is our friend." Scott introduced.

"He's my cousin Mi-" Stiles started but was cut off by Scott. "Derek. His name is Derek and he's not Stiles' cousin. He's from out of town." Scott explained.

Derek? Isn't that that guy that they were talking about at practice?

I gave Derek quick smile. "This is the girl?" I heard Derek whisper in Scott's ear. Scott nodded.

I began to smell the smell of dog. The one that I had smelled the first day I met Scott, Stiles and Isaac.

Either they all are supernatural, or they haven't taken showers in weeks.

Derek left and the rest of us got into the jeep.

Off to hell. Oops, I mean school.
I was in Math with Stiles, Scott and Isaac.

We were going over what we learned yesterday. This was really hard. I barely understood it.

I looked at the problem on the board:

Factor the expression 6x^2 - 13x + 5

How the hell do you factor an expression?! What?!

I had my head in my book, going through my notes that I have for the past 2 days.

"Kacey." The teacher called on me. I looked up from my book with a worried expression. "Would you like to solve the problem on the board?"

"No, not really." I answered, causing the class to laugh. "Just give it a shot." He said.

I looked at the problem again. I shrugged and shook my head. "Anyone else know the answer?" He asked.

A girl with strawberry blonde hair raised her hand. "Lydia." The teacher called on her.

That's Lydia? She's beautiful! I could see why Stiles liked her.

"(2x - 5) • (3x -1)." She answered. "Correct!" The teacher says, writing the answer on the board.

I was embarrassed. Why didn't I know the answer? I'm so stupid!

"She's just so pretty and smart. I think I'm in love." I hear Stiles say to Scott and Isaac.

"Dude, what about Kacey?" Scott whispered. "I like her too, but Lydia is amazing." Stiles answered.

He liked Lydia more than he liked me? Well, who couldn't like Lydia? She was so smart and she looks better than I ever will.

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