Humana Lupus- Chapter 1

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Summer. Pool parties, BBQ's, trips to the beach, camping... All the things I wasn't allowed to do. Naomi Smith, the girl who's parents never let her do anything or go anywhere. A loner. A nerd. The school freak.

When I was little, about four or five years old, I decided I wanted a best friend. This girl- Susie, I think her name was- played Adventures with me sometimes so I decided that she was going to be my best friend.

"Hey, Susie," I had said, as we were pretending we were climbing up Rainbow Mountain to find The Golden Unicorn. "Do you want to be my best friend?"

She grinned and nodded."Sure, I like you. You're weird. Like me!" We both ended up falling down Rainbow Mountain laughing.

When I told my parents about what happened that night over dinner they shook their heads.

"You're not allowed a best friend, or any kind of friends for that matter." My mother told me. "Best friends and friends are forbidden, do you understand?"

"But-" I argued.

"Do you UNDERSTAND, Naomi?" She was getting angry. She was scary when she was angry...

I nodded and we ate dinner in silence. My father didn't say anything, as per usual.

The next morning, Susie came up to me and asked if I wanted to play Adventures with her. I didn't know what to do, so I shouted at her saying that I didn't like her and didn't want to be her friend anymore because she was boring. She ran off crying.

When I was twelve, girls my age were having sleepovers, dying their hair, reading magazines and talking about boys. Not me; I wasnt allowed. Also, no surprise here, I couldn't have a boyfriend, which kinda sucked, to be honest. I mean, I'd always wondered what being in love was like. Was it like in the books I read? Was it powerful? Did your heart feel like it would burst with happiness? Did your heart flutter and your stomach get butterflies every time you saw him? Guess I'd never know... I'd probably end up as a cat lady... although I was allergic to cats... Maybe a dog lady? Anyway, I had to come straight home after school (although at night, when my parents are sleeping, I creep out of my window and go for a run in the woods out back. That's the only time I feel free...), dying my hair was banned and the only things I read were school revision books and every now and then an old novel of some kind.

Now, I'm seventeen.


I woke up to whispering outside my door. But I could hear my parents' deep breathing? It only had to be one other thing...


Weapon. I needed a weapon. I looked around my room for something that I could hit with. Chair? Nah, too big. Coat hanger? Nah, too thin. A shoe wouldn't do much harm. A pin is too small. What could I use?... An old broom? Guess that'd have to do. I grabbed it and tip-toed to my bedroom door, pressing my ear against it, trying to listen out for any sounds.

"She's definitely the one. I remember her scent, and the Loup's too. God knows I'll never forget their scent..." One of them growled. He sounded youngish. Late teens maybe? Ugh, late teens and you're stealing stuff for a job... what kind of world do we live in these days!?

"But what if we take her and she's the wrong one? What would we do then?" an older voice hissed.

Ah, not thieves, kidnappers. Great. They kept arguing but I blocked them out while trying to make up a plan.

There was suddenly quietness. I could only hear my shaky breaths.

I remember my door opening before the darkness came.



Short, I know, but I promise the next chapter will be longer, this was only a little starter;)

So, hellooo, my name's Courtney, but I prefer to be called Cat:p Just a brief intro about me...

I'm 14 & I love The Hunger Games, Forests/woods, Imagine Dragons, McFly, The Beatles, Queen, anything supernatural/fantasy, books(obviously:p), writing(duh:p), wildlife, boxing and fashion:)

This is my first book, but about my millionth idea:D It's supposed to be set in America, but I'm British, so if I've got something wrong vocab/grammar-wise, don't hesitate to correct me:) In fact, any criticism I don't mind, I learn from it all! Also, any writing advice is brilliant:D

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Thanks for giving this book a chance!

x Cat x

P.S. Let me know what you think of this book, please?:D

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