Authors Note

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Hey, guys.

I'm so sorry for not updating for 245743489 years:( I've just been so busy you wouldn't believe it! Now that I'm in year 10(9th grade; freshman year) we're being prepared for our GCSE's(HUGE exams that basically decide whether you'll be homeless or not) in year 11(10th grade; sophomore year). We're currently being told our target grades & working towards them(I'm predicted an A in English, an A in Media Studies & a C in Science so far!:D) so its hectic at the moment! We're also having some exams that we do before Christmas:( & then I have my boxing grading next weekend & I'm busy with my band.

So basically, you probably won't get an update until around or after Christmas:(

Don't come after me with fire torches & pitchforks! Although dragons, dinosaurs & wolves are welcome!!:D

I'm sorry..

Don't hate me..


I promise to have a Shaomi scene soon? Next chapter has lots of Nucas(Ha.. That sounds like mucus:'D)?

BTW, I've changed my username from CatsCreations131 to LittleTwistsOfFate:)


Does anyone have any suggestions for ship(couple) names? I quite like Shaomi but Nucas is just weird & there's probably better suggestions from you ducklings:p

Okay, so yeah, keep your eye out for an update within the next month:)

I'd also like to take this moment to send out my love & prayers for the victims of Cancer, depression, poverty, abuse, bullying & eating disorders & other similar problems & their friends & family<3 Stay Strong, sugarplums<3

Adios, beautiful people:*<3

x Cat x =^•.•^=

On Hold..sorry:( - Humana LupusOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant