Humana Lupus- Chapter 8

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  • Zadedykowane Shaydn Wills

Dedicated to my best friend Shaydn because she is the strongest person I know. She's been through so much & she still manages to joke about some of it! She is an inspiration & my idol. She's my best friend & like a sister & she supports me through everything. She's always there for me to talk to & fangirl over everything. She's also supported this book from the very start, before I even posted it on here! Love you, Shay!:3<3

This chapter is so cheesy that it's funnyX''D Yay! A new update 3 weeks after my last update!!!! I even had a mock Science GCSE & lots of coursework!! WOW!! Thats how much i love you guys:p

Anyways, a little bit of Naocas here for ya';)......


~Cat =^o.o^=



I stared at him in shock. What!? Did he just... No... He couldn't of... "W-what?" I stuttered.

"I knew it! I was being too forward wasn't I? Ugh, I always ruin everything. I'm such a stupid bastard! Why? Why did I ask that!? You probably don't even like me in that way!" He rambled, his head in his hands.

"I-I do!" I blushed an unflattering shade of tomato red. Oh no... That was -as i heard people say at school- word vomit.

"What?" He asked, wide-eyed.

"I... I like you in that way..." I practically whispered.

"So... You'll... Be my girlfriend?" Lucas smiled, nervously. I nodded and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground with Lucas squeezing the air out of my lungs with the strength of his bear-hug.

"Thank you so much for this chance. I'll be the best boyfriend in the world, I promise," he mumbled into my hair.


I yawned, stretching in my bed. I was in a sleepy daze for a moment but then my mind went back to last night and I grinned. I had a boyfriend. My first boyfriend. That might have sounded sad, but I have my first boyfriend! It's a big deal for me!

I threw my duvet off of me and skipped up to my closet. I picked out some underwear, a pair of high-waisted burgundy shorts and a baggy black t-shirt that said in white, "Oh Gnome You Didn't" with a picture of an angry gnome on it. I chuckled at it as I made my way into my bathroom. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and put on deodorant. I slipped on my clothes and I ran a brush through my damp hair, rummaging through my drawers and closet for socks and my combat boots. I decided to not bother with any make-up as my stomach was growling at me.

Having gotten used to the corridors, I made my way to the dining room where I expected to see breakfast lay out, but instead saw one of the female wolves wiping down a table. Huh? What time is it? I looked over at the clock on the wall. 1:30pm!? What!?

The woman looked at me apologetically. "Aw, sorry sugar, you just missed lunch. Do you want me to make you something?"

I shook my head frantically, wide eyed. "No, no, no! I'm fine, seriously. I can't believe I've been so lazy," I frowned. "I'll go make myself a sandwich, if you don't mind? Thanks though!"

The lady smiled, brightly at me. "No problem at all, Luna."

I smiled and blushed, scampering off to the kitchen that was through a doorway to the left of the dining room. Thank God it was empty. I rummaged through the cupboards for some bread and through the fridge for cheese and butter. Fried cheese sandwiches. One of the very few treats that I'd been allowed to make when I lived with... Them.

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