Humana Lupus- Chapter 6

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I stayed like that for a few weeks, I think. I wasn't counting to be honest. I couldn't even if I wanted to; I'd threw my alarm clock across the room because it was annoying me, making it's screech-y beeps and bringing me back to reality. I guess I could go downstairs to see the time, but I couldn't risk seeing Shane, I knew I'd forgive him in a heartbeat if I did.

India knocked. I knew it was India because she was the one who kept bringing me food, the only person who visited me. It was half past 6 in the evening, so she would be bringing me dinner.

"Hey, Indie," I sighed. I really wasn't hungry. Anyway, I couldn't stomach the food I ate. I always ended up barfing it up within 30 minutes of eating it. I don't know why, I guess I was just sick.

"Hey, Sis'," she chirped. "How are you feeling today? I brought you a cheeseburger and some fries. Alpha Charlie got a takeaway as a treat. I could only imagine the servers face when we asked for over 200 burgers!"

"I'm the same as I have been for the past few weeks. Nothings changed," I mumbled, taking the bag of food out of her outstretched hand.

Her happy smile turned into a sad one. "Can't you and Shane just make up already? He feels the same as you. He hasn't smiled since that day that you guys argued."

"Good," I snapped at her, unintentionally. Stupid Shane, putting me in a bad mood. I picked up my burger and took a bite out of it. "It's his fault that we even argued. If he hadn't of been so rude-"

"Then there wouldn't have been an argument. I know; I've heard it all before," My sister sighed. "I just don't want to see you both like this..."

"I know. But he's the one that should be apologising to me. Until that day, I will not speak a word to him," I refused, putting the left overs and wrappers from my dinner in the bag.

"Fine," She gave in, taking the bag from me. "But at least get out of your room. You've been in here since forever. You need to get some fresh air."

"Next week I will," I groaned.

"No. Tomorrow."


"Nuh-uh, don't you 'Indie' me, Naomi. You have stayed in here long enough. Tomorrow, I shall take you shopping with a few girls in the pack. A couple are your age, actually," she said, thoughtfully.

"Okay," I sighed. She was right. I did need to get out soon.

"Yay!" India squealed. "Be ready for 12 tomorrow morning, I'll drop 'round some clothes in the morning."

"Sure thing, India," I yawned. A gurgling started in my stomach. Oh no... "So, thanks for the dinner! I'm gonna go to sleep now. That burger made me tired," I rushed. "Night! Sweet dreams!"

"Goodnight, Naomi," India grinned, standing at the door.

The door shut behind her and I sprinted to the en-suite, emptying the contents of my stomach.


"NAOMI! Wake-up! It's 11:30 and you're not even showered!"

I groaned and put my pillow over my face. "5 more minutes."

Suddenly, my duvet was ripped off of my bed, the pillow off of my head not too long after. I tried to grasp my pillow in my hand but I was weak from sleep and my muscles hadn't woke up yet, so I just ended up brushing my fingers over it.

"You're so mean, India. You're lucky you're my sister," I grumbled, opening one eye and looking at her.

"And you're lucky I'm yours, otherwise you'd still be sleeping and cooped up in here for the rest of your life. Now get up," she ordered, folding her little arms across her chest. For a 12-year-old, she was pretty small. About a head shorter than me, and that was saying something, seeing as I'm only about 5'2".

On Hold..sorry:( - Humana LupusWhere stories live. Discover now