Humana Lupus- Chapter 9

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"Omigosh! I'm so excited!" I squealed, bouncing on my toes as we walked through the gate to the fun fayre.

"You're like a little kid," Xander laughed, then stopped his eyes going wide. "CANDYFLOSS!"

I chuckled. "Now who's like a little kid?"

He flipped me the bird as he scampered off to one of the many food stands.

"What ride do you want to go on first?" Lucas asked me.

I shrugged, then spotted a carousel. I pointed at it. "That!"

"The carousel?" Lucas pulled a face. "That's meant for 4 year olds, Naomi..."

"So? It says 4 and above, therefore I am allowed to go on it."

He sighed. "Fine."

"Yay!" I squealed again and grabbed his hand, dragging him over to the ride.

"$2 each," the guy in the paying station told us in a bored tone. I went to grab my wallet from my purse but Lucas beat me to it, placing the money in front of him.

I gave him a pointed look. "I'm paying the next ride."

"'Course you are," he chuckled, leading me up the steps to the carousel. He gestured with his head to the horses. "Which one do you want?"

I looked at my choices and spotted a black ceramic horse with a light blue mane and tail and a green feather attached to the top of the reins on it's head. I practically ran over to it and jumped on it's back. Lucas grinned and shook his head at my eagerness, taking a seat on the pony beside mine, which was white with a yellow mane and a red feather.

The ride started to rotate and I beamed, grabbing the twirly-looking pole that was attached to my horse. I looked over at Lucas. "This is so cool! I love it!" I whispered in my excitement.

He rolled his eyes. "I can tell."

All too soon, the ride ended. I pouted and got off, looking at my pony. "Farewell, Mysti. Until we meet again!" I said, dramatically.

Lucas looked at me, blankly. "You're seriously saying goodbye to a stone horse? And you named it?"

"Sure! Why can't I?"

He just laughed at me, grabbing my hand and pulling me off of the ride and over to the scariest ride at the fayre... The Last Breath.

"What? No way am I going on that... THING!" I protested, pulling Lucas away from it.

"I'll make you some toasted marshmallows?"

"What are you standing there for? Let's go!" I grabbed his hand, a few tingles going up my spine, making me shiver a little. He chuckled at my reaction to his offer. What can I say? Toasted marshmallows are one of my new weaknesses!

Unfortunately though, we weren't waiting in line too long.

"Let's go to the back!" Lucas grinned.

"No way! We're sitting in the middle!"



"You're sitting at the front. They're the only seats left," a guy, who was in charge of pulling the safety bar thing-ys over people, told us in a bored tone. Wow, these people were miserable.

Both me and Lucas groaned and made our way to the seats at the front of the long cart-thing and the guy came over to us and pulled the safety- things over our heads. Not too long after, the ride shifted and started to go along the track. The old woman beside me, who was with her young grandson, started screaming with her eyes squeezed shut and gripping onto her safety-thing. Lucas chuckled beside me and I gave him a look to which he just grinned. I rolled my eyes and snapped my eyes to the track around us. I bit my lip as I saw the twists, turns, steep slopes and sudden drops. There was even a part that was a loop-the-loop! We started climbing up a steep slope and the woman beside me started gripping onto my arm so tightly that I thought it'd snap in half. Lucas just laughed at my awkwardness as I tried to discreetly tug my arm out of her grip. I was about to send an annoyed comment towards him, when my stomach jumped in to my heart.

Basically, we went down a steep drop.

And yeah, i'm gonna admit it, I screamed my lungs out. 

My head was spinning & my eyes watered from the air hitting them. My back was stuck to the seat, which I was extremely happy about as it meant I most likely wouldnt fall out. I let out a huge, high-pitched scream as we went around the loop and at that point I was pretty sure I was gonna fall and die as my butt lifted off of the seat and the safety-things dug into my shoulders. I litterally let out a big sigh of relief as we reached flat track again... until we dropped and went through more torture. Why was everyone whooping!? I hate rollercoasters.



Hey guys! So here's another chap':) VERY short but I thought I'd get something up for ya':D What did you lot think? It might've been a bit meh 'cos it's a filler but I promise you, things'll get interesting soon & there'll be both Naocas & Shaomi drama in the next chap;) I haven't decided yet but she might talk to Alpha Charlie next chapter too & finally get some answers:D Can't wait!!

Dedicated to my little sister, Mouse, who's turning 11 on Friday:3 Awww can't believe she's in secondary soon!!:') Time flies!! Love you, Mousey:*<3

Also, shoutout to my friend, Vicky, who's turning 15 on Thursday:) 

ANDDDDD, shoutout to shaydnwills who's finally posted a book on WattpadXD It's called The Sight & you can find it on my profile in my reading list or on her profile:) Caleb & Austin tho':Q<3

Vommefallow(Vote, Comment, Fan, Follow)!!!!!!

Love you all!!!:*<3

Next chapter by the end of the month:)

- Cat =^o.o^= 

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