Humana Lupus- Chapter 5

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Dedicated to celticghirl2698 for putting up with my fan-girl-y-ish-ness over my crush & 'cos of us & our Harry Potters:'D Thanks!!!!!!

She's also awesome & funny, so go follow her!!:D x



"Lucas," Zak bit out. Looks like all of the guys were tense. "How nice to see you. What owes us the pleasure?"

"Nice to see you, too, Tak."

"It's Zak," he muttered.

"Sorry," Lukas frowned. "Anyway, I heard someone say you guys were going down to the lake, so I thought I'd hop on by and say hello."

"Well, you've said hello, you can go now," Jake growled. Why were they being mean to him? He was just being nice!

Lukas' eyes slowly travelled to me, noticing me for the first time. "Who's this beautiful creature?" Lukas smiled warmly at me, setting my face alight.

"None of your business, Lukas," Shane suddenly spoke up.

"Shane, don't be so rude!" I gasped.

"Seriously, Naomi? He's a prick! He has been since he was 4!" he replied, looking like he was gonna explode. Literally. His face was red and formed into a scowl.

"Yes, 'seriously'! Lukas, here, was popping by to say hello and being nice then you were horrible to him! It was uncalled for!"

"I can't believe you're sticking up for the little shit," he muttered, glaring at me, then stood up. "I'm outta here..." he mumbled and stalked off towards the woods.

"Fuck," Jake sighed, slapping a hand to his head and dragging it down his face. "I'd better go after him."

And with that, he got up and ran into the woods after Shane.

"Well," Xander said over the silence. "That was awkward."

"Too true," Xain nodded.

Then the silence returned, which only made me think of the argument. I mean, I felt a bit guilty, for yelling at him, but he was rude to Lukas for no reason, so he deserved it. Although, I wish he wouldn't have gone, I feel so empty without him. Feeling the need to be near him was terrifying because I've only known him- not including before my kidnapping when I was 3- for not even 24hours! I shouldn't be feeling close to him!

"So-o-o-o..." Lukas started awkwardly. "I overheard you guys playing Truth Or Dare. Who was next?"

"Shane... But he's gone so it's Naomi's turn," Zak stated.

"Naomi? That's such a pretty name for a beautiful girl like yourself," Lukas complimented, sitting down beside me.

I blushed. "Erm... T-thanks," I stuttered, then my features twisted themselves into a look of realisation. "Of course! How stupid of me! I haven't introduced myself yet!"

He laughed, his pearly-white teeth showing. "No worries. I'm Lukas, but I'm sure you've clocked on already," he grinned. "Okay, Naomi, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare... I think..."

"Okay," he looked like he was thinking deeply. He did that for a few minutes before shouting in joy. "Got it! I dare you to go on a date with me."

I looked at him, open mouthed in shock. "You... I... Uhh..."

"It's that or you'll have to do the forfeit, which is really bad, let me tell you."

"Erm..." Well, I might as well? What harm could it do? He was a nice guy and I'd always wanted to go on a date like in the books I'd read, just to see if it was the same. It would allow me to get to know him too, so..."S-s-sure."

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