Humana Lupus- Chapter 4

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"Xander! Put me down!" I squealed.

"Nope," he smirked and started running around, me bouncing on his shoulders and gripping on to his brown hair for dear life.

"Shane! Help me!" I pleaded.

He shook his head, grinning. "Nah, I'm good thanks." 

The others laughed.

"ARGH! PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed.

Xander suddenly stopped. "Sure thing, Sweetcheeks," he said. It sounded like he was smiling...


"Xander! I'm going to kill you!" I yelled after resurfacing from the lake we were hanging out by.

"Good job, Bro," Xain clapped his twin on the back, laughing.

"Xander, that wasn't very nice; her clothes are now soaked," Zak scolded.

"She could always strip," Jake winked.

"Ugh, shut up, Jake. You're disgusting," I pulled a face and sighed. "Can someone help me out, please?" 

Mackenzie held out his pale, freckled hand. "Come on, Luna, you can help Zak collect firewood."

I perked up. "Sure," I smiled and jogged/waddled over to where Zak was standing on the edge of the forest. Zak was the nicest of Shane's friends. Quiet, but sweet. Although the youngest of the guys at 16, he still fitted in. They all treated each other like brothers, it was cute. 

"Hi, Zak," I beamed, wringing out my light brown hair as we started walking. "Thanks for sticking up for me earlier."

"No problem, they were acting like twats," he shrugged and snapped a few twigs from a tree.

I rolled my eyes. "Tell me about it, I'm cold and soaking wet now," I grumbled.

"Here, have my jacket," Zak said as he slipped it off of his shoulders.

"What? No-o-o, it'll get wet," I protested, pushing the denim material back towards his direction. He raised his eyebrows in a 'do you really want to argue?' way. I sighed and took the jacket, wrapping it's warmth around my shoulders. The smell of cologne and fabric softener enveloped me. "Thanks. So, how long have you known Shane?"

"10 years. My mom was a rogue; she got kicked out of her pack at 16. Her parents had betrayed the pack and gave information to a rival pack. They were killed on the spot but my mom and her brother got kicked out. They both ended up running separate ways and she hasn't seen him since."

I really did try not to ask, but curiosity got the best of me. "How did you end up here?"

He took a deep breath. "Only a few people know this, so you can't tell anyone, not even India. Only Alpha Charlie, Luna Annie, My mom's mate, Mark, and Shane know, other than me and my mom."

"I promise," I reassured. It'd be weird keeping a secret from my new sister, but I'll be able to.

"So, my mom was still a rogue at 17, I mean, unless you're very lucky, you'll stay as a rogue for the rest of your life. Anyway, so she was hunting at night when another rogue- one she didn't even know- came across her and dragged her behind a tree... 9 months later, I was born." he finished, growling.

"She was..." I trailed off, not wanting to say it.

"Raped. My mom was raped and my dad was the rapist. It disgusts me so much that I'm related to that bastard, that I have his DNA running through my veins." he clenched his fists and punched a nearby tree. I quickly stepped out of the spray of bark that was flying towards me.

On Hold..sorry:( - Humana LupusWhere stories live. Discover now